Cultural fashion shows just don’t organize themselves! It takes a dedicated group of students to plan an event the magnitude of Voyage to Utopia. We’re taking some time to shine light on the students making big moves for a great cause. Here’s the VTU executive board:
DAYLE ANGUS | @dayley_bread
Position: Head Coordinator
- Oversee the entire show
- Finalize budget
- Create theme and overall look for the show
- Approve designers for the show
- Hire outside staff
- Set meetings
What is your Utopia? My Utopia is a sense of being — a sense of being where everyone fully understands themselves as individuals and do not hesitate to shine their light on others. It’s a place where everyone can be who they truly are and are not be afraid of society and its norms or whatever is used to keep us back in life or keeps us in a box. A place where we can love each other wholly and full heartedly without being embarrassed. A place where we can all be truly and unconditionally human.
(**Check out our exclusive interview with Dayle here!**)
ERIKA TAYLOR | @yeserika
Position: Public Relations Coordinator
- Find charity for club
- Find sponsors and donors for the show
- Create a media team
Other duties as assigned
What is your Utopia? My Utopia is a world where everyone is embraced for being the person that they were destined to be.Â
Position: Co-Head Coordinator
- Work with head coordinator to create show lineup
- Create dance scenes
What is your Utopia? My Utopia is a world where creativity and diversity are embraced and where every person is surrounded by genuine people who help them reach their full potential.
Position: Model Coordinator
- Train models for the show
- Create walks for the scenes
What is your Utopia? My utopia is a place where people are not afraid to be who they want to be and can go through life without judgement. Where being your self is respected and people don’t feel the need to be pressured by outside forces. Because being yourself is one of the most peaceful and beautiful things that you can offer.Â
It’s not too late to buy your ticket to the show! Purchase tickets online, or at the Gerard dining hall during lunch hours (11-2 pm and 4-5 pm in the evening!
[Image Credit: Erika Taylor]