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Simple, Easy, and Elegant New Year’s Makeup

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marymount chapter.


Now matter what your plans are for December 31st, the look I’m about to show you is very versatile and can be worn anywhere. Whether you are going to a party, out with some friends, or just spending the night in, this look is sure to make you shine this New Year. 


1. The Face

Keep it SIMPLE! In order to achieve a more natural looking face, skip out on foundation and go for a BB cream. BB cream feels so light and airy, but has great coverage.  This way if you are dancing the night away, or just trying to enjoy yourself you don’t have to worry about your face being cakey.  To give yourself a natural glow, apply a little bit of bronzer below your cheekbones, on your forehead, and at the base of your chin. Follow those steps with a highlighter down your nose and above your cheekbones. Then, blend everything together and finish with a pretty pink blush. 

2. The Eyes

For this New Year’s look you want to keep the eyes pretty simple as well, leaving your lips to be the statement. To make your makeup last all night, start with a primer and a base. Then, apply a light shimmery shadow to the lid and a matte brown to the crease. This allows you to have a little bit of color on the lids and define your crease.  Next, take a black liner and create a wing on your lash-line. Finish the look with a little bit of mascara and voila!, simple but sultry eyes.

3. The Lips

In order to keep your lips looking smooth and perfect all night, start by using a sugar scrub on them. With a little bit of warm water and a sugar scrub all the dead skin will come right off of your lips, allowing your lipstick to slide on smoothly and neatly.  After scrubbing apply a chap stick. Once moisturized, apply a red lip pencil around your lips followed by your favorite red lipstick. If you want you can even finish with a lip-gloss.  The red lips are sure to be a great pop of color for your look, and they may even land you a kiss at midnight.

4. Final Touches

To finalize the makeup look apply a setting spray to your face to seal your look for the whole night. Be sure to take any products you may need, for touch-ups, along in a clutch or small purse. That’s it, a simple, easy, and elegant look for New Year’s. Enjoy collegiettes and Happy New Year!