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Surviving Valentine’s Day for the Single & Lonely

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marymount chapter.

Valentine’s Day is here and for those who are recently single or have been single, this can be a difficul time. Having to watch overt displays of affection at every turn — during commercials of happy couples getting jewelry, social media postings of “friend’s” boyfriend or husband’s outlandish displays of affection is constant reminder of your single status. If you weren’t ever worried about being single and alone, chances are this week has sent you into a black hole of feeling forever doomed to never find love.

There is hope for EVERYONE out there, whether or not you believe it. A few quick tips to get you through this rough time:

1. Be happy! (*cue the Pharrell*)

Just because you didn’t get a dozen roses and a box of fatty chocolates or even a diamond doesn’t mean that you should hate those around you. Be happy for others and admire that they are content or in a relationship where gestures of love are shown. Don’t be jealous, be happy! Know that you will find that special someone, but you will be that much closer with a smile. :)

2. Remember Valentine’s Day = ANY kind of love!

Show those you love how much you truly care. A homemade Valentine card, flowers, or even a handwritten letter to your best friend or mom, dad, brother, sister, etc, will let them know just how much you appreciate them. Giving to others will display your appreciation toward them, and it will help you to move past this day.

3. Love yourself even more than you already do

Love yourself! Write all your good qualities down on a piece of paper and tape it to your bathroom mirror, your room walls, your refrigerator, etc… Remember why people love you, and how someday someone will. Treat yourself to a spa day, a pedicure, or even just a nice walk. The opportunities are endless!