I think it’s safe to say that we are all OBSESSED with Jennifer Lawrence. She’s pretty, funny and doesn’t live up to any Hollywood stereotype. Here are our top reasons, why she is not only our obsession, but also our long lost best friend.
She likes food…like a lot.
But doesn’t stress about her weight and instead stresses how everyone should feel comfortable in their own body.
She hates wearing pants (enough said).
She still gets nervous and is super honest about it (but really, who actually LIKES public speaking?)
She’s clumsy…admit it, we’ve all tripped at least once walking into the dining hall.
She doesn’t try to act perfect, instead she knows we’re all crazy.
Insecurities? Yep, she knows we all have them.
It’s okay. Neither can we, especially in class and in front of our crush.
Pretty much sums up our brain power from Monday through Friday.
Most importantly, she was just as devastated as we were when we didn’t get that oh so important acceptance letter.