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Wear This, Not That: Workout Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marymount chapter.

Post Christmas/winter break depression: It’s the worst. This may not be the case for everyone but, for me, getting back into the swing of things in second semester is not as much intimidating as it is exhausting. Even if it’s a month into the semester, I’m still dragging my feet! Being a self-proclaimed lazy chica, I find myself tired and worn out all the time! My biggest problem? I exercise just about as much as I read math textbooks for fun (which is never).

Exercise is the BEST thing that we can do to give ourselves energy and to get back on track. I often find that we aren’t exercising for the right reasons. In doing a little research, I found that the number one New Year’s resolution is to lose weight. Men and women of all ages make this promise on December 31st every single year and about 99.999999% of them will go for a run once and never again. Why? Because it’s a totally unrealistic promise to yourself! Even though losing weight may be our end goal, we should instead make the resolution to stay healthy regardless of the number on the scale. In the moment, exercise sucks; I totally get it. However, I can say that the few times that I do exercise, the feeling of having your butt kicked after a workout is one that can’t be beat. One of the best ways that we can keep our fitness motivation all throughout the year? Fashion, of course!

Although many will say that the gym is not a runway and there’s no point in dressing cute to get our sweat on, I say they’re wrong. The world is our runway! We have the right to look cute and feel confident at the same time, no matter what the the activity is. It’s a fact when I say that the more confident we feel, the more successful we will be, regardless of if we’re wearing an evening gown or workout clothes. In this edition of Wear This, Not That, I’ll be providing the do’s and don’ts when it comes to apparel for the necessary evil: EXERCISE! 


1) Hair: Do This, Not That

Despite the fact that we all deserve to feel cute wherever we may be, wearing our hair down to the gym is just plain nutso. Although your mane may look flawless pre-workout, it’s not going to stay that way and you’re going to be more uncomfortable than anything else. Instead, opt for a hairstyle that can take a beating and will stay put for the duration of your workout.


2) Top: Wear This, Not That

One of the biggest “don’ts” for exercise gear is your typical boxy, non-breathable t-shirt. Not only is it super duper BORING, but due to the average t-shirt being stiff and thick, you’re going to get overheated quicker. You’ll want to quit early and won’t get the most out of your workout. Going with a loose, breathable racer-back tank with a band that stays at the waist will allow you to stay cute and comfy.


3) Bottoms: Wear These, Not Those

Throwing it back to my Muffin Top article, pants that complement the midsection are crucial, especially when exercising. For any kind of high intensity exercise like running or Zumba, you’re going to want a pant or legging that is high waisted. They are flattering and will stay put so you won’t have to continuously pull up your pants, which is what I would often do if I did any kind of exercise while wearing yoga pants.


The most important mind frame to have about exercising is to constantly find new ways to keep ourselves motivated. Investing in cute workout clothes, such as the ones pictured above, are one of the best ways that we can give ourselves an extra boost of energy to get into the zone and really push ourselves to stay healthy.

See ya at the gym! 

Abigail is an MU junior majoring in fashion merchandising. She loves being a part of Her Campus and expressing her creativity through her love of writing. Additionally, she writes monthly editorials for College Fashionista, where she is a Style Guru. When she is not writing, you can find her singing, going hardcore preparing her dream wedding on Pinterest, reading Christian romance novels, and watching the most unrealistic reality television.