From coworkers to college friends, no matter who you are, you have probably done some form of secret santa. But sometimes you pick one person and you think “ what the hell am I supposed to get them?” Well here are 5 things that are good to get anyone no matter how picky they are.
BONUS: They are all under $30
Anker Portable Charger ($25.99)
Everyone has a phone and we all worry about running out of power. This takes that worry away. The great thing about this charger is it charges your phone 3 times before it runs out of battery. It works for any phone and is great for that tech savvy person in your life.
2. Bath and Body Works Candles (~$15.00)
It’s the winter time and everyone wants to keep warm. Bath and Body Works has so many amazing smelling candles, there is one for everyone. They are 3 wick and last a lifetime.
3. Bottle of Wine (~ $10.00)
Who doesn’t love wine? No one. All kinds of wine in the world so this is a perfect gift for anyone who loves a nice glass.
4. A Fuzzy Blanket ($8.95) and Fuzzy Socks ($8.50)
What is better than sitting at home with your fuzzy socks on and a warm blanket? NOTHING. Give these to someone who you think needs to stay warm this holiday season.
5. Â Cute Scarf ($16.99) and Hat ($15.00)
Cute scarf and pom beanie are essentials for the winter time. Blanket scarves and pom beanies are the newest trend this season, so give this scarf to someone who is a fashionista.