Stress is at an all-time high as students all over the nation prepare for the tragic time of year known as finals week.
That’s right girls; the end of the semester is near. That means plenty of cramming, and maybe a little crying. But don’t worry too much. For one, that will only make this time of year seem more like the apocalypse. Also, after this read, dealing with stress should be a tad more fun.
Guide to Trumping Stress:
1. Hide all delicate objects.
When people get frustrated, things can get broken. It’s best to keep fragile items out of arms reach.
But seriously, here are some other good tips:
2. Get organized!
Amongst all the chaos the upcoming weeks can bring, a significant amount of organization is required to maintain some sanity.
Plan every single hour. Actually sticking to what is written is key here. Remember that discipline is learned, not inherited.
Write down every assignment. There are a lot of tight deadlines to stick to. Avoiding the stress of missing those deadlines will definitely help.
Clean up! Organizing work is only a small part of life. Picking up the trash all over the dorm and maybe folding that massive pile of laundry that’s been taking up the walking space for a week won’t only clear the room of unnecessary clutter.
3. Study.
Going over flash cards a thousand times might help the average genius, but let’s be real; rote rehearsal is at the bottom of the totem pole when it comes to studying techniques. As much as no one wants to study during finals week, it must be done. Take time to embed facts into your brain. Believe it or not, relating information to past experiences helps store things in long-term memory and it will probably take less time.
Consider studying for a couple subjects at once so that when boredom and distraction hits, another topic is there to move onto. It’s easy to stop studying completely when you get stuck so just move on in order to optimize studying time.
Need an excuse to take a nap? Sleep helps the brain store memories. So as essential as that all-nighter sounds, dedicate some time to shut down.
4. Perhaps the most important lesson of all: TREAT YO’SELF!
All of the above work can be very rewarding. Studying for two hours grants an episode of Parks and Recreation on Netflix, right?
Not a Netflix type of gal? You could compensate with a DVD from the campus library. They just might have more than Netflix anyway.
Get “girly”! A perfect way to take a break is to get to work on some crafts. Pull out some nail polish, maybe even a face mask, and get to work
Showers are a must, girls! Don’t forget about personal hygiene during these few weeks regardless of how much sleep was lost the previous night. Rather than a shower though, a perfect way to unwind is to take a nice long bath.
As already discussed, cramming in facts can be difficult. Eat a small piece (i.e. a big piece) of chocolate after learning each piece of information.
So although everyone will be in a sleep deprived haze over the next few days, there is some good within the disarray. At the very least these tips can prevent a burst blood vessel or a stomach ulcer. Happy finals!