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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McGill chapter.

We are often taught to have humility and to be critical of ourselves to ensure that we aim to be as close to perfect as possible. But we are rarely are taught to simply be who we are. Pride is in fact oftentimes perceived as a negative personality trait. I think that in the same way that as a good person you congratulate and celebrate the small and big wins that your friends achieve and tell them that you are proud of them, you should also practice self-love and do the same for yourself. You are worthy and you deserve it too. Here are 5 reasons to be proud of yourself today.



You’re alive and surviving a pandemic:

There is nothing normal about life right now. Living during the uncertainty of a global pandemic is tough, and social isolation can exacerbate your mental health concerns. That being said, you have made it through 2020. You continue to persevere, and that is something to be proud of. Along the way, you have also managed to find small things that helped you along the way. These are unprecedented times and you have worked extra hard to cope and survive.

You’ve gotten through your worst days so far:

When you have been at your lowest points of life, you have probably wondered how you would ever overcome it. Your resilience, your tenacity and your strength have helped you get through it. Next time you face adversity and hardship, remember that you are strong and you have managed to overcome previous tough times.

You are still growing and evolving:

You are, and will continue, to become who you are meant to be thanks to the mistakes you have made and have grown and learnt from. These setbacks have helped shape you, and you have blossomed from them. You have learned valuable lessons from your past mistakes. You have the potential to grow and continuously improve in the things you do, and who you are and want to become.

You have inspired others:

Perhaps unbeknownst to you, you have inspired others around you in one way or another. You matter and because of you, others have felt inspired. Whether it is your strength and resilience that you have demonstrated in the face of hardships that have inspired others to be strong and resilient, or your smile and positive outlook on life that has inspired your friends to express more gratitude, or even your neighbor who is inspired by your commitment to take on new home improvement projects – by being you and doing what you do, you have inspired more people than you can think of along the way.

You’re trying your best and that’s all you can do:

It’s extremely easy to get down on yourself when things aren’t working out the way you have envisioned. But it’s important for you to remember that at the end of the day, you can only try your best. You’ve already been silently winning battles and transforming yourself this year. You have made steps in the right direction, big or small. Sometimes trying your best is simply doing that you need to do in order to survive and in order to get by and that is more than okay. You are trying your best to achieve your goals in spite of surviving everything life has thrown at you. And remember, whatever is meant to happen will happen sooner or later.

Noémie is a fourth year student at McGill University studying Political Science and International Development. She is also on the women's soccer team. In her free time, she enjoys reading, and listening to music.