They tell you that you have to study. Everything. “The midterm is Cumulative.” That means your notes, the textbook and the PowerPoints – from the beginning. What they don’t tell you is that the best part of studying is the de-stressing that comes afterwards. Here are seven ways to reward yourself for all your hard work:
1. Listen to music. Now you can finally stop listening to that study playlist you made and get into what you really love.
2. Exercise. Even if it’s just walking around the city with friends or going to the gym a few times a week, anything’s better than being stuck in the library flipping through page after page with snacks as your only consolation.
3. Call your friends and family. Let’s face it, this is way more personal and enjoyable then texting them. Catching up with them will make you feel more at home and back in reality.
4. Have a girl’s night. Get dressed up and go out with friends for some margaritas, dancing, and karaoke. End the night with a movie and obligatory facials.
5. Go shopping. If you’re like me, shopping is your Kryptonite. You could go at any time if only you weren’t a broke college student. After a week of studying in sweatpants though, you have the perfect excuse to raid St. Catherine Street of every outfit you can find.
6. Pamper yourself. With your body in a weakened physical state, you’re going to need a massage or two. Manicures and pedicures are also a must-have. Even just getting a haircut will shed some of that stress and give you that lightness that summer always brings.
7. Find your creative outlet. Whether its singing, playing music, drawing, or re-arranging your room, do something you want to do instead of what you have to do.
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