Hey ladies! Meet this week’s campus cutie, Jonathan!
Age: 19
Year: Second
Major: Middle East Studies
Hometown: Toronto
Go-to Pickup line: “I have a pet sloth”, works like a charm
Perfect date: I’d definitely go with freshly harvested, because of their insanely sweet, caramel-like taste and soft texture. Farmers markets in Southern California and Arizona may have fresh ones in season, but they are also available mail order from some growers and may be found at Middle Eastern markets. Also laser tag.
Favorite season and why: Winter, because everything is alive.
Favorite band: Too many to choose a solid favourite, however I’m really into the band “America” at the moment.
Female celebrity crush: Annie Clark
Pet Peeve: Wet socks and online banking
Special Talent: The closest I have ever come to having special talent was earning a participation ribbon for the 100m dash in the third grade. I also make a mean spaghetti.
If you were stuck on an island could bring one thing, what would it be? …obviously the bae. Nah, maybe some floss? You could probably build a lot of useful stuff with it, not to mention it’s great benefits for maintaining good oral hygiene.
If money were no object, what would your dream job be? Professional explorer
Images contributed by the interviewee.