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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McGill chapter.

Everyone meet this week’s Campus Cutie, Marielle Perrault! Marielle is going into her second year at McGill’s Nursing program and is passionate about volunteering within her faculty, riding horses, and watching Netflix. Read on to find out more.

The Basics: 

Age: 19

Year: Second

Program: Nursing

Hometown: Mount Albert, Ontario, Canada

Single or Taken: Single



Favourite Food: Banana popsicles

Dream Job: Those people who come up with interesting stories for movies. I don’t know what they’re called, but I think I’d be really good at it. Also, I’ve always found genetics really interesting so maybe something in that field. 

Favourite Song: “Jenny from the Block” by Jennifer Lopez

Favourite Season: Fall

Favourite Social Media App: “Betches Love This”- their articles are always funny



Maya Koparkar for Her Campus McGill (HC McGill): What kinds of things do you like to do for fun?

Marielle Perrault (MP): I love watching movies. I’ve pretty much seen every movie currently in theatres. 

HC McGill: Where would we be most likely to find you on a Friday night?

MP: Probably in my bed, watching old Disney channel shows while trying to think of funny Instagram captions that make my life seem cool and interesting. 

HC McGill: What is your favourite spot on campus?

MP: Fifth floor McLennan near the glass window overlooking the stairs. I’m usually by myself, I can people watch, and I don’t have to be quiet, which is basically the holy trinity when it comes to studying. 

HC McGill: What do you like best about your nursing program?

MP: I like that the program provides us with volunteer opportunities within the city. I don’t often venture out of the McGill bubble, so it’s cool to have these sorts of things to push introverts like me outside our comfort zone. 

HC McGill: Are you involved with any extracurricular activities in the Montreal/McGill community?

MP: I’ve been riding horses competitively in Montreal for the past five years and I still try to ride as often as I can during the semester. 

HC McGill: Since you’re going into your second year at McGill, do you have any advice for the incoming class of this year?

MP: Buy ice picks for your shoes in the winter! And on that note: don’t ever try to wear heels in the winter, especially if you live in Upper Res. 


Images provided by interviewee.

Maya is a first-year student at McGill University with a passion for social justice and international relations. When she isn't writing, she can be found traveling, swimming, or desperately thinking of ways to make her bio more interesting.