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The End of an Era: 10 Life Lessons I Learned From Mad Men

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McGill chapter.

Arguably one of the greatest television dramas of our time, Mad Men is ushering in “The End of an Era”, broadcasting its last seven episodes beginning April 5th. It vividly paints the story of Donald Draper, a complicated Madison Avenue executive at an advertising agency in the 1960’s. Thanks to the creative genius that is Matthew Weiner, the show has had a successful seven season run, earning it critical acclaim (4 Golden Globes and 15 Emmys) and an unwavering fan base. Since its premiere in 2007, Mad Men always managed to make you laugh, cry, and experience every emotion you had previously deemed physically impossible. It taught me a lot about love, life, and most importantly, fashion. These lessons are applicable to everyone’s life in some capacity, even if you have never tuned in to the show. (If this is you, start right now. Well actually, read this article first, and then go watch it. It is currently streaming on Netflix, and you know you are already majorly procrastinating.) Without further ado…

1. When life gives you lemons, dance it out. (I don’t think I’m doing this right.)

Some of the most iconic moments in the shows history revolved around dancing. Most of the time, though, they were performed when the characters were feeling less than theatrical. Let us recall the time that Pete and his wife, Trudy, owned the dance floor at Roger’s Kentucky Derby-themed fete. On the outside, they were the young, picture-perfect couple all of the other couples were jealous of. In reality, they were struggling to conceive a child and Pete was cheating on her left and right. 

The conga line at the Christmas party right before the Sterling Cooper agency lost Lucky Strike cigarettes:

When account manager Ken Cosgrove was getting beat up by the Chevy executives, in hopes their agency would snag them as a client, he did the best tap dance I have ever seen. Move aside, Gregory Hines, because Ken’s metaphoric tap dance was perfect.

Lastly, my favourite moment in the history of the show was when both Peggy and Don realized life was kind of falling apart around them. Don asked her to dance to “My Way” by Frank Sinatra. It is such a poignant moment for these two characters and so beautifully shot. Tears. So many tears.

Moral of the Story: The characters in the show demonstrated that even when things are looking down, the best thing to do is dance away the pain. 

2. If you have to tell someone how smart you are, you are probably a moron.

Exhibit A (Betty Francis (formerly Draper)):

The prosecution rests, your Honour. 

Moral of the Story: Never defend your intelligence by claiming to speak Italian.

3. Fedoras look terrible on everyone. Except Don Draper.

Anytime Don dons (I know. I am hilarious. I’ll pause for your laughter.)

a cool fedora I ask myself, “Why don’t men wear hats like that anymore? Why are my retinas subjected to those Pittsburgh Pirate flat-brims lurking around every corner?” I quickly answered both of those questions myself when I realized fedoras look ridiculous on everyone except Don Draper. He is certainly not an overall upstanding individual, but he is always oozing with style. It is a shame that when a guy wears a fedora today there’s a 99.9% chance he’s also wearing a shirt with a dragon and flames on it and shoving a handheld gaming device in the back pocket of his jean shorts.

Moral of the Story: Unless you are actor Jon Hamm starring in a period drama, do not wear a fedora.

4. Always take the elevator.

Elevators seem to be a Valhalla of dramatic circumstances. But who doesn’t love a little drama now and again? Elevators force you to share a confined space with other people, which can be an introverts nightmare (I know from persona experience.) Of all 59 elevator scenes in the show thus far, my favourite was after a series of complicated events prior, Bob Benson cheerily asks Pete how he is doing. Pete sardonically replies:

Television gold, people. Also, this is what happens to people who take the stairs:

And this:

Moral of the Story: Facing the inevitable dramatics of life head on is far more productive than falling down the stairs or throwing up.

5. Birthdays are terrible.

Don Draper hates birthdays for a plethora of reasons. Maybe the fact that he had an awful upbringing in a house of ill repute sans cake, candles, and a free birthday drink at Starbucks could attribute to that. However, having just had a birthday, his overall sentiment spoke to me. When being forced to stay at the office to work on a Samsonite luggage pitch, a teary Peggy weeps to Don about how it is her birthday and her boyfriend is waiting for her. Don quips back, “You’re 20-something years old; it’s time to get over birthdays.”

Preach it, Don. I wish I were 20-something years old so I could more aptly whip this quote out. Birthdays are kind of weird concept. Let us all adopt Don’s mentality and collectively stop giving them so much attention.

Don suffered another birthday related incident when his new wife, Megan (played by Montreal-native, Jessica Paré), throws him a surprise 40th birthday party. If that wasn’t enough, she flirtatiously sang him the 1960’s single “Zou Bisou Bisou.” He was not pleased with her. I would not have been either (although, her dress was to die).

It was simply the sexier version of when people sing you “Happy Birthday”. You are just sitting there unsure of what to do and uncomfortably looking around. I often ask myself “Am I supposed to sing?” Being sung to may the worst, most uncomfortable thing in the entire world. So on the day when you are supposed to be “celebrating” the fact that you were born, you are subjected to being sung to? That does not sound like a joyous occasion to me. 

Moral of the Story: Being sung to is a bloodcurdling experience, and birthdays are really strange; so let’s stop making such a massive deal about them.

6. Don’t drink at work.

I have always been unsure how these people were not stumbling around drunk at all times. It appears that they were never without a snifter of scotch in hand. That being said, Don Draper gave some of his best pitches while (most likely) completely enebriated.

Inspirational, no? Eventually his drinking at work caught up to him and he got put on leave. The other characters on the show all drink copious amounts of alcohol in the office as well. Most of them ran into trouble doing so because, well, duh. They weren’t able to get work done:

They got into fist fights:

They were just overall foolish (but in Roger Sterling’s case positively hilarious):

So let’s all listen to Peggy:

Moral of the Story: You are not a character from a period drama, so leave your martini shaker at home.

7. You can look chic everywhere. Even at a farm.

Mrs. Betty Francis knew how to dress for every occasion, which is what I love and fear about her the most. Her actual character is insufferably childish and insipid, but I often overlooked that because her outfits were so incredibly major.

Betty went through so many rough patches in her life, but whether she was shooting her neighbours birds because she was fed up with mundanity of suburban life:

Or slapping people in the middle of the grocery store:

Or just being a concerned, caring mother:

She looked immensely perfect each time. However, my favourite fashion moment of hers was when she accompanied her son, Bobby, on a class trip to the farm, made deliciously sarcastic remarks, haughtily smoked a cigarette, and looked this fabulous: 

Moral of the Story: Betty (technically, incredible costume designer Janie Bryant) taught all of us that all you need to make terrible situations tolerable is a fierce outfit.

8. Freaking out can earn you a bigger office.

Well, maybe not. But it did work out for Joan Harris. Having just received divorce papers from her army doctor husband, she freaks out at an incompetent secretary and it is absolutely beautiful.

By next season, she has a bigger office and becomes partner. Coincidence? I think not. (Disclaimer: I am not suggesting you throw model airplanes at people every single time something doesn’t go your way.)

Moral of the Story: Prove you are not a person to be messed with and you’ll reap the benefits. 

9. When the going gets tough, move to California.

Like Don Draper’s actress wife Megan stylishly demonstrated, when Manhattan has nothing left for you, pick up and purchase a bungalow in the CA. It turned out great for her! Granted, it did lead to the end her marriage, but look at the outfits:

Très chic!

Realizing the end of her marriage, but with killer accessories!

Fabulous! (etc, etc, etc.)

It did wonders for Peter Campbell’s style, too. See here:

Moral of the Story: When you move to California, your wardrobe gets instantly more stylish.

10. Never let your secretary ride a John Deere tractor through the office.

Moral of the Story: See above.



Images/Links obtained from: http://media.giphy.com/media/119CYc4lufiRGw/giphy.gif, http://gifatron.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/mad-men-conga-line.gif,http://media0.giphy.com/media/G4y7g5kmWPNLi/giphy.gif,http://media.giphy.com/media/NRBEUf77DV37W/giphy.gif,http://media.giphy.com/media/b5R7wvBwfpCHm/giphy.gif,http://media.giphy.com/media/c2JlWAS3WFuBq/giphy.gif,http://media.giphy.com/media/hqOl7UJOVZJUk/giphy.gif,http://media.giphy.com/media/LeGSuWklaXd6M/giphy.gif,http://media.giphy.com/media/OmZzdJLsXSobS/giphy.gif,http://media.giphy.com/media/7yoAIR7CdWOUE/giphy.gif,http://media.giphy.com/media/JcPU5bQMquqyI/giphy.gif,http://media.giphy.com/media/kpTPCr2CWCwjS/giphy.gif, http://media.giphy.com/media/q9rLomx49vnKE/giphy.gifhttp://media.giphy.com/media/UZBskCFmHFsYw/giphy.gifhttp://media.giphy.com/media/gp0fWOF31uSK4/giphy.gifhttp://media.giphy.com/media/ywZ3vXtz9cCZi/giphy.gifhttp://media.giphy.com/media/Iwks8HJeyQW2s/giphy.gifhttp://media.giphy.com/media/ueSVx27qdYDsI/giphy.gifhttp://media.giphy.com/media/LPoNYnQLnWvu0/giphy.gifhttp://media.giphy.com/media/rM5bjhW2omk8M/giphy.gif, http://media1.giphy.com/media/OUaRCDxnKEkxO/giphy.gif, http://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1h0koLZEt1qc9j6ho1_250.gifhttp://www.amctv.com/mad-men/videos/mad-men-highlights-ep-402-christmas-comes-but-once-a-year, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmxGNpJYwY4, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXeMNCNb8d4, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpUWrl3-mc8, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvRHzvoCf_s, http://www.amctv.com/mad-men/videos/mad-men-talked-about-scene-don-lectures-peggy, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXoILGnHnvM, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUkhK5oRmro, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01hfwQL1QUg, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7dFHvovhMo, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b93d782eOMQ, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEh7xyRAteY,

Originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Gabrielle is a fourth year student at McGill University. She watches a lot (some might say too much TV) and has gotten into screaming matches over movies. In her spare time, she enjoys being utterly self-deprecating. For clever tweets, typically composed by her favorite television writers, follow her twitter. For overly-posed (but pretending not to be) photographs follow her Instagram.