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The Millennial Dilemma

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McGill chapter.

The Millennial Dilemma – three simple words that together shape our generation’s wide array of problems. We have a constant urge to be our own worst critics in order to make sure that we are on the right ‘path’ according to society. Our lives revolve around making sure we check in all of the numerous – and sometimes irrational – boxes on our nonexistent lists of life goals that society deems appropriate for certain periods in our life. Today, however, I would like to debunk this notion, because SURPRISE! , there is no list we need to complete. We need to change the mindset that there is only one straight path to success and pure happiness, especially so that the next generation doesn’t get stuck in the same rut a few of us already have.

I use the word dilemma because I can see this urgency and cutthroat nature in my peers and friends. They forget that there is more than that grade or that internship. There is more to them as people. They don’t need to be in a phase of life they aren’t ready for yet just because someone else is there already. Give yourself time, time that is rightfully yours. You have all the time in the world to reach that so-called stage in life.  The only thing you need now is the courage and patience to wait for the time that is right for you. Just to clarify, I am in no way saying that grades or jobs are not important, all I’m saying is that you don’t need to do something just because everyone else is doing it. This is a very hard concept to grasp, I totally understand. I’ve been there. When everyone around you seems so set on accomplishing certain goals and has a 5-year plan or something along those lines, you seem to feel that you need to be going after the same goals in order to be seen as successful in the eyes of society. But contrary to popular belief, you can be DIFFERENT.

There are so many paths you can follow. Honestly, now is the best time to explore your options and figure out what YOU really want. Our youth is our biggest blessing and you need to embrace the freedom you have now, make sure that you aren’t wasting this time unhappy in a major that you don’t love or a relationship that is toxic. Our generation is called generation Y for a reason: our minds are wrapped around this social world, a world that paints only the glossy high definition version of people’s lives. We compare their highlight reel to our behind the scenes, and this comparison brings me to my next point.

“Comparison is the thief of joy” – a quote has never been truer. A millennial’s mind is always revolving around what the next person is doing instead of focusing on themselves. Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook make sure we are always aware of where friend A is working or the latest destination friend B has gone to. This just adds to the pressure we already have for ourselves to fit into the mold society deems normal and appropriate. This is the problem. We need to leave that mold and, as cliché as my next statement is, you need to break free. Break free from all the anchors holding you down and realize that if you aren’t somewhere in life, it’s for a reason. Once you start looking at the bigger picture, you will realize how unnecessary it was for you to compete and compare. There is more than one path and even if yours is crooked and filled with mountains, that journey will shape you in ways you can’t even imagine. Another favourite quote of mine that fits the current situation of generation Y is “comparing your beginning to someone else’s middle or even end, prevents you from truly enjoying your own successes and achievements.” Simply put, everyone starts somewhere, and you may look at someone and feel that you are behind, but you need to remind yourself that you are comparing their page 100 to your page 1.

As we start another academic year, I would just like to say, don’t worry about where you are right now. Worry about the type of person you want to become at the end of all of this. Make sure that you don’t lose yourself in this race that society has put us in. Always remember that even your smallest victory has made you so much closer to your end goal, even if that goal is ridiculed by others. If it makes sense to you, follow that path and do so as long as it makes you happy. To end this rant, I would just like to say one last thing; we are unique for a reason, don’t lose your individuality in order to fit a mold that isn’t made for you.

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