Spring is in the air and even though we don’t want to do it, spring cleaning is a must. But as you sift through your old clothing, be sure to save those long, old T-shirts. This DIY is sure to save you a few bucks and have you sporting the hottest trend this spring. So grab your scissors, pencils and that ratty old shirt and get ready to create a masterpiece.
Step 1: Lay out your T-shirt onto a flat surface. Grab your pencil and get ready to make some lines.
Step 2: Draw a dotted line below the bustline from one edge of the shirt to the other.
Step 3: Rework the sleeves by drawing a dotted line one to two inches from the sleeve hem.
Step 4: Take your scissors and cut along the dotted lines. Tip: cut just in front of the dotted lines. This way you can always go back and cut off more fabric (much easier than re-sewing).
Step 5: Once you’ve cut along each of the dotted lines and the two pieces are separated, draw a hole around one to two inches above the end of the top piece of the dress. The hole should be big enough to fit the fabric in and tie it, use a toonie for size reference.
Step 6: Cut out the hole. You should be cutting all the way through. Keep in mind that the dress will tie both in the front and back.
Step 7: Draw a one and a half to two inch line down the center of the bottom half of the dress.
Step 8: Cut along this line.
Step 9: Take the two pieces of fabric (made from the cut in step eight) and tie them through the hole. Do this for the front and back of the dress. Tip: It may be easier to tie the front part of the dress, put it on, and then do the back half, or vice-versa.
Step 10: You’re done! Dress up this stylish baby with a statement necklace, earrings or a pop of lip colour.