The friendships made within the legal and protective services shop are friendships I am going to treasure for the rest of my life. Of course, we grew together and we learned together, but we also faced things together. We had our fair share of arguments, I hate you phases, and we definitely were not perfect, but the love was always there. Growing alongside these beautiful people was an absolute blessing I am forever thankful for. The friendships and type of people we are ranged all over the place. We have gone our separate ways since graduation, but the group chat “legals finest” is still active as we still express our love and appreciation for one another.
Daelyn Hiduchick is my best friend. She is the strongest, bravest, most courageous and most beautiful young lady I have ever had the privilege of knowing (yeah that’s right my best friend is better than yours). She has been there for every 3:00 am heartbroken phone call and she has also been there to listen to all of my really good days. In the past four years, Daelyn has heard me talk about a multitude of girls and by now she is probably sick of hearing some of their names, she never hangs up on me, never judges me, and never leaves me hanging. She is honest and real and she will not sugarcoat anything. She tells me how it is even if I don’t want to hear it. As well as taking care of me when I’ve had a little too much to drink at a graduation party, but hey, what are best friends for, right? I love being able to FaceTime her any hour of the day or night knowing her beautiful face will always be behind the camera. Oh, and not only do I love Daelyn but I also love her mom, her boyfriend, her pets, and her nana! Much love for them all.
Ian McSweeney is the one I can always count on to make me laugh, especially on bad days. His sense of humor is the best and we both act like idiots when we’re together. Daelyn definitely hates us when we are together but it only makes us laugh harder at her reactions towards us. He is also the one I know I can always run to with relationship advice when Daelyn is busy or when I just need a guys perspective on dealing with females. The appreciation I have for Ian goes beyond words because not only is he amazing to me, but he is an amazing boyfriend to my best friend. He treats her right, keeps her laughing, gives her a shoulder to cry on, and genuinely loves her for the person she is. He is exactly what she deserves and I’m so glad they have each other. I also love the McSweeney family: his brothers, his mom, his dog, and of course his cats (that he got from me so I guess I’m a little bias)!
Matthew Foley is everyone’s best friend. The friendliest, happiest, cutest and sassiest boy I know. He is the one I would fight with office supplies and cheer on at track meets. I joined Track & Field just for him, but eventually Track became a family for me as well. Cheering him on from the sidelines always made me proud, knowing he was always going to place. He’s also the one to sit on the bleachers with me for volleyball and basketball games and teach me all about the things I have no idea about. He’s my pick-me-up friend, the one I can call just to see a smile and positivity. He is also super smart even though he doubts himself. There’s nothing better than the day spent at the lake, the evening spent by the fire, and a night binge-watching Netflix. He is hands down my lazy friend, even though he’s also really athletic.