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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McMaster chapter.

IDK about you, but I’m feeling 22… (thanks T-Swift).

By the time you read this, I would have already turned 22! Where did the time go? I feel both 15 and 80 at heart. Nonetheless, I’m eternally grateful to see another day on this earth. Many things have occurred in the last 22 years of my life. Some great things, and some not-so-great things… but either way, I’m so thankful for all my past experiences and all the experiences to come.

Since I’m getting old (no, seriously, I’m having a mid-life crisis), I thought I’d share 22 of the most important thoughts, things, and lessons in my life thus far. I feel like I’ve personally evolved so much in the last year, and I’m proud of the person I’m growing into.

Without further delay, here is that list in no order:

1.     Quality over quantity. Having a good group of people in your life that you can rely on is important. I would rather have three amazing friends over twenty decent friends.

2.     Dating the nice guy improved my life. Instead of chasing toxic relationships, I gave the “nice guy” a chance, and I couldn’t be happier or more at peace.

3.     “Life is going to happen the way it’s supposed to happen, there is no point in being anxious.” This mindset genuinely healed me.

4.     Health is everything.

5.     Saving my money is much more satisfying than spending it.

6.     Good food heals.

7.     Working out is important, not for aesthetics, but for health.

8.     Skin care is a scam (sorry not sorry). A couple of reliable face products is all I need.

9.     Saying yes to plans. I regret the things I did not say yes to.

10.  I don’t care what people think of me. I used to obsess over my public image, but now I really couldn’t care less. I mean this.

11.  I love to be unapologetically myself; I am who I am, take it or leave it.

12.  Animals make the world a better place.

13.  Therapy is cool. Being self-aware is cool. Personal growth is cool.

14.  I don’t chase; I attract.

15.  I love spending Saturday nights ordering takeout and relaxing at home.

16.  All I want to do in my life is help others.

17.  How people treat you or speak about you is usually not a reflection of you. This one took me a while to grasp.

18.  It’s never too late to turn your life around.

19.  Nothing is embarrassing unless you make it embarrassing.

20.  Confidence is the best outfit.

21.  Give people grace, and treat others with kindness, even if it’s hard. However, stand up for yourself when warranted.

22.  Social media is fake.

Overall, learning and understanding all these things have shaped me into the person I am today.

Lexxus Ricci

McMaster '26

I am a third year social science student at McMaster University with hopes to one day become a Psychologist! I enjoy listening to music, writing, reading, fashion, working out, cooking, and going out with friends! Writing is an outlet for me, so I love to share all my personal experiences and interests!