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30 Daily Journal Prompts to Help You Live Your Best Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McMaster chapter.

Journaling has become so popular as a tool for personal development and growth. If you’re interested in it but don’t know where to start, keep reading! Journaling (from personal experience) can reduce stress, improve mood, and help you learn more about yourself. Journaling can also benefit your academic career by improving self efficacy and other psychological benefits. Here are 30 daily prompts to help you get started, motivated, and feel your best:

  1. What am I proud of?
  2. Who are three people I am grateful for?
  3. What are three things I am grateful for?
  4. What is one goal I want to accomplish this year?
  5. What is something I am currently doing that is working towards that goal, and what is one thing I can implement to help me achieve that goal?
  6. What are three things that bring me joy?
  7. What is something I am holding onto and can begin to forgive myself for?
  8. What is something I can forgive someone else for?
  9. What is one life lesson I would give someone I love?
  10. Complete the sentence: “I am truly happy when …”
  11. What were fears I had growing up; how did they change as I got older?
  12. If I could do one thing right now (anything!) what would it be?
  13. What is holding me back from doing that thing? Are these the barriers holding me back, or is it fear holding me back?
  14. Describe, in detail, my perfect morning. What are some things from my perfect morning that I can implement into my daily morning routine?
  15. What are three things that I am great at?
  16. What situations stress me out? Is there anything about these situations that I can change?
  17. What are three things I have achieved this week?
  18. Stop, close your eyes, and take 5 deep breaths. How did that make you feel?
  19. What is one bad habit that I can let go of? How can I work on letting it go?
  20. What are three things this week that led me to feel negative emotions?
  21. Where is my happy place?
  22. Are there any boundaries I can set to prevent burnout and keep me safe?
  23. What is my favourite movie, why do I relate to it so much?
  24. Who are some people in my life that fill my cup, is there anything or anyone that drains it?
  25. What is one thing I want to learn more about?
  26. What are negative things I say to myself that I would never say to anyone else?
  27. If I could talk to my younger self, what would I say? What advice would I give?
  28. Describe my perfect, dream life as if I am already living it
  29. What are the first 5 words that come to mind when I read the word ‘money’, reflect.
  30. What has changed and how do I feel after journaling for 30 days?

A bonus prompt, which is not really a prompt at all, is my personal favourite way to journal. Set a 5–20-minute timer, open a notebook, turn off your mind and just write. Don’t stop writing even if you spend the whole-time writing ‘blah blah blah’ or ‘I don’t know what to write’. It’s incredible the things that come up and it’s a great tool to connect with your subconscious. Happy journaling!

Virginia Howard

McMaster '24

Virginia is a first-year social science student! You can find her at home studying or playing with her two little kids, or out travelling the world or dancing!