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8 Questions to Assess How Well You’re Handling Online School

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McMaster chapter.
Does it feel like your days are blurring together? 

The saying “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” holds especially true in the world of online school. With group study sessions and coffee shop study dates out of reach, life starts to feel rather mundane. Take a moment to do something (safely) outside of your regular study schedule. For example, watch the sunset, take a drive while blasting some music, or just go for a walk! 

When was the last time you did something memorable? 

Similar to Number 1, we can’t forget that students today are still in their glory days! Even though our typical extracurriculars are out of reach, it’s important that we sometimes push ourselves out of our comfort zones to experiment and try new things. 

When was the last time you vented to a friend? 

Going from the constant buzz of student life to being stuck at home behind a screen leaves us with a very deafening silence. Take some time at the end of the day to reach out to a friend, let them know how you’re doing, and simply let it all out. 

When was the last time you dusted your personal space?

While seeming rather trivial, the importance of dusting is often overlooked. This simple activity is a much more subliminal form of self-care and is a very telling indicator of how you are really holding up. 

What’s the last healthy habit that you developed?

It may feel like our lives are on pause but it’s critical that we keep going. Healthy habits are signs of self-improvement and can indicate how well you’re taking a self-regulated environment; take a moment to develop a routine, eat regular meals, etc.

What is your sleep cycle looking like? 

This question ties into self-regulation – losing track of time in online school becomes incredibly easy since most classes are just a click away. Online school means that getting proper rest and keeping your circadian rhythm just doesn’t feel like a priority. However, keeping a consistent sleep cycle is a form of self-care during a time in which neglecting yourself has become too easy. 

Have you been watching your favourite shows on repeat? 

While binge-watching TV shows seems completely harmless, re-watching old favourites repeatedly might be a sign that you aren’t taking the pressure of school and quarantine as well as you may think. Chances are, re-watching your favourites brings you a sense of comfort of better times. What you may need to ask yourself is, “Why do you feel the need to constantly be comforted?”

When was the last time you did something that scared you? 

In quarantine, especially now that school is in full swing, feeling trapped and futile seems inevitable. Pushing yourself to do something outside of your comfort zone is a great way to get some adrenaline going and to keep yourself motivated. Whether that be making the first move with a special someone or trying a new sport, doing something that frightens you keeps you feeling alive!

Shaf Faiza

McMaster '23

Second year physiology major