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The Best Podcasts for your Spring “Hot-Girl Walks”  

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McMaster chapter.

The weather is warmer and podcasts just keep getting better.  

Whether it’s during a long study session, on my daily commute or as I make a batch of  brownies, I love listening to podcasts. They can make everyday tasks slightly more exciting,  whilst helping me learn something new, no matter how niche.  

As the weather warms up and we start going on “hot-girl walks” again, I’ve curated a list of my  favourite podcasts to keep you company. Happy listening!  


Hosted by Melbourne-based writers Michelle Andrews and Zara McDonald, Shameless  provides thoughtful commentary on pop-culture news. Whether it’s understanding tabloid  misogyny, the sociopolitical implications of an Instagram post or how previously  “cancelled celebrities” make their comeback, this podcast is a fun, enjoyable listen. Every episode also has thoughtfully curated recommendations for books, articles, films and other sources of media if you’re  interested!  

Fashion Neurosis with Bella Freud

If you’re interested in the intersection of fashion and psychology, this is the podcast for you. Hosted by fashion designer Bella Freud, this  podcast mimics a traditional therapy set-up, allowing high-profile guests to lay on a  couch and talk about their journey with personal style. Whether it’s discussing the best  pair of shoes they’ve ever bought, the first time they dressed up to feel powerful, or how  their style has changed as they’ve aged, Fashion Neurosis allows you to examine  fashion with insight and perspective. You’ll find yourself reflecting on your own style alongside the guests and wondering if you’re really dressing the way you’ve always wanted too.  

Front Burner

If you don’t have time to stay up-to-date on news and current events, this podcast is the perfect solution. Hosted by reporter Jayme Poisson, this podcast provides succinct updates on both Canadian and global politics. The topics are broken down and explained, making them easier to understand and engage with. Episodes are also uploaded daily, allowing you to stay in the know! 

Books Unbound 

Former Booktubers Ariel Bisset and Raeleen Lemay break down the biggest news of the  publishing industry. Interspersed with stories of their personal lives, this podcast is great  for anyone looking for a new book recommendation. The hosts break down the books  they’ve currently read, what they’re planning to read, and help bring some lesser-known  books onto your radar.  

White Coat, Black Art 

If you’re interested in healthcare, this podcast is a great way to stay up-to-date with important issues in the Canadian healthcare landscape. Hosted by Toronto-based ER  physician Dr. Brian Goldman, this podcast speaks to patients, physicians, and  politicians, to show you what is and isn’t working in the Canadian healthcare system.  

Whether you’re interested in fashion, pop-culture, literature or healthcare, I hope one of these podcasts spoke to you and you give them a listen on your next walk, commute, or visit to the grocery store!

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Zeenia Malik

McMaster '25

Zeenia is a fourth-year student at McMaster University working towards an Honours Bachelor of Science. She is passionate about mentoring women in STEM and hopes to play a role in making healthcare more equitable. When she isn't studying, you can find her reading, writing, or flipping through Vogue.