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What Your Email Signoff Says About You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McMaster chapter.

Dear Her Campus McMaster readers, 

As a university student, I send at least five emails daily—a number that I anticipate will only grow post-graduation. But, have you ever wondered what your email sign-off reveals about your personality? Let’s dive into the subtle language of email farewells, ranging from the casual “Sent from my iPhone” to the formal “Sincerely.” Unfortunately, even a sign-off can reveal a lot about the sender.

Sincerely: Kudos for maintaining the formality—you probably get straight A’s. But, behind this facade of formality, are you truly sincere? Perhaps, this is something to ponder.

Best: You found “sincerely” oddly formal, so you chose this as a middle ground. You congratulate yourself on your delicate balance between formality and genuineness, but ultimately, who’s scrutinizing your email sign-off? Well, the answer is me.

Thanks: You email maestro, sending out hundreds a day. Signoffs? Who has time for that? But hey, you’re here, reading this.

Talk soon: You like a bit of mystery. Will you really? The eternal question lingers in the air. A promise, a hope, or just a polite farewell? We’ll never know.

Yours truly: Easy, Shakespeare! No need to channel Victorian romance in your emails to peers and professors. Might as well throw in an “I pine for your presence.” You’re the daydreamer, romanticizing every interaction with your preferred gender. No judgment here; we’re all guilty of a little romantic daydreaming.

Warm wishes: You’re the envoy of good vibes, the harbinger of positivity. Your signoff radiates a warmth that could melt the coldest of inboxes. Keep spreading those warm wishes, you email angel!

Sent from my iPhone: You are either an academic weapon, slaying emails at all hours with your iPhone, or the nonchalant student, proving that caring is optional. There is no in-between. OR, you are a professor doing the least.

Love: A little much, but I like it. Spreading the love, one email at a time! Thanks for the Cupid vibes, our inboxes could use a bit more love, indeed. 

Regards: The gem of email signoffs—you’ve found the perfect in-between. You’re the diplomat of digital communication. Congrats!

Out of curiosity, how many of you are changing your email signoffs after reading this? As we navigate the landscape of emails, let’s consider the power of our signoffs. They are, after all, the last impression we leave!

Talk soon, 


Sydney Tomlinson is a part-time writer at the Her Campus at McMaster chapter. In this role, she writes about a range of topics. Currently in her fourth year at McMaster University, Sydney is majoring in Life Sciences with aspirations of pursuing a career in public health (fingers crossed!). In addition to her role with Her Campus, Sydney is a writer for UNICEF, Friends of Doctors Without Borders, Bite-Sized Science, and Tackling MisInformation (TMI) at McMaster. Alongside her writing, Sydney is a casual member with McMaster's Book Club. In her free time, you'll find her swooning over romance novels and period dramas—particularly the 2005 adaptation of Pride and Prejudice!