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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Memphis chapter.

Meet this week’s Campus Cutie, Sophomore Rebekah Luebbe! Rebekah, Bekah for short, has a huge heart for medicine as well as traveling the world! She definitely lights up any room and has a unique personality that rivals the best of them. 


Major: Nursing

Hometown: Arlington

Relationship Status: Single

Netflix show of choice: Grey’s Anatomy or Gilmore Girls

Favorite Movie: Pitch Perfect, because it’s hilarious and they sing. 

Favorite Song: Taylor Swift, that’s my answer to favorite song.

Favorite Color: Green

Favorite Season: Spring


Her Campus: “If you were stuck on an island, what to items would you bring?”

Campus Cutie: “My bible and if I’m stuck on an island, I could find food and boil water so… a hammock. You have to have some place high to sleep!”


HC: “What are your future goals and aspirations?”

CC: “To become a Nurse and then to become a Nurse Midwife and to serve over seas as a Missionary Nurse Midwife.”


HC: “What are you involved in at The University of Memphis?”

CC: “I am involved in the BCM and Nursing School. I’m an Emerging Leader and I’m in the Honors Program. I also work on campus as a telecounselor; calling high school seniors and telling them to get their lives together.”


HC: “If someone were to walk on campus, where might they find you?”

CC: In the library, at work or in class!


HC: Do you do any volunteer work?

CC: “Yes, I volunteer at MAM (Memphis Athletic Ministry), we clean the property and you can go and play with the kids. At Tennessee Baptist Children’s Home, we play with kids for hours. I usually take whatever opportunity comes my way!!”


HC: “What’s the coolest activity you do on a regular basis?”

CC: “I work out everyday!”


HC: “What is one interesting thing that people would be surprised to know about you?”

CC: “I’ve broken my nose four times playing basketball. It hurt all four times! I also went to the doctor for the first time last month. My dad’s a chiropractor and I figured he’d know if I was dying. And then I went to the doctor and they’re all like “you’re anemic” and I’m like “no, I’m not.” 


HC: What’s the coolest place you’ve ever been?

CC: “The Philippines! Camiguin Island, Philippines. I was there for two months for a medical mission trip and we went to this small island and they dropped us off in the middle of a Volcano. There were three villages and we lived with the people in the middle village so we traveled all around. We worked with women, educating them on health and nutrition. Things like how to raise your kids, how to breast-feed, how to keep yourself and your kids healthy. It was so great and definitely the most beautiful place I’ve ever been. From my window I could see mountains, the jungle, water, and the sky. I’d go out there every morning and brush my teeth and watch the sun rise.”


HC: What is your idea of a perfect date?

CC: “April 25th because its not too hot and it’s not too cold. All you need it a light jacket.”


HC: If a guy were to take you on a date, what would your ideal date be like?

CC: “It’d be during the first part of the day because I don’t want to just do dinner. I would want it to be outside. Seriously, the zoo would be the coolest thing or Shelby Farms or hammocking. And then do dinner and midtown, I’ve really wanted to do that for a date. And then get coffee afterwards. No movies though, especially for the first date because then you don’t talk. But later on, I’d be all down for the movie.”


HC: Describe your dream guy.

CC: “Loves Jesus, brown hair, green eyes, tall, has a heart for missions and he has to think I’m funny. I’m not funny but if he thinks I’m funny then everything is worth it. He has to be funny too, a good sense of humor or my sense of humor. It doesn’t have to be a good sense of humor, just my sense of humor.”


HC: What do you bring to a relationship?

CC: “I think I bring my witty sense of humor and I can give them a full medical assessment on the first date! Let me listen to your heart, I can really listen to the heart.”



Guys, be on the lookout for this Campus Cutie, she is a real winner with a heart of gold! Bekah has a wonderful laugh and stories for days. If you see her on campus, you can win her heart with a handful of daisies or a homemade gift like a fantastic finger painted car!