1. Full Name? Victoria Elizabeth Rogers
2. Classification? Junior
3. Major/minor? Major: Biology, Minor: Chemistry
4. Relationship status? Single
5. Hobbies? I enjoy running, playing board games, being with my family, and going to Krispy Kreme with my roommates.
6. Involvement/clubs you are in at Mercer? I am a member of the Mercer Women’s Cross Country and Track teams.
7. What do you want to do when you graduate/goals for the future? I plan to go to Physicians Assistant (PA) school.
8. Favorite Quote? Take risk. Have faith. God is in control.
9. What do you look for in a partner? I want someone that’s athletic, makes me smile, and most importantly puts their faith in Jesus above everything else.
10. Favorite Mercer memory? My favorite memory at Mercer is snow day because it was as if life was on pause and we were all just kids again playing in the snow.