There are many different ways to get involved on Merrimack College’s Campus, one being through student organizations! Here is a list of all student organizations that Merrimack offers to their students:
Academic Organizations
Accounting ClubAmerican Marketing Association (AMA)American Society of Civil EngineersThe Beacon (Student Newspaper)Criminology ClubEducation ClubFinance (Investment) ClubIEEE (Electrical Engineering) Italian ClubMath ClubModel United NationsPre-Law SocietyStudents In Free Enterprise (SIFE)Sport Management ClubStudent Association of Sociology (SAS)Sports Medicine Club
Governance Councils
Class of 2015Class of 2016Class of 2017Class of 2018Panhellenic Council (Sorority Governing Board)Student Athlete Advisory Council (SAAC)Student Government Association (SGA)
Greek Letter Organizations
Tau Kappa Epsilon (Fraternity)Theta Phi Alpha (Sorority)Zeta Tau Alpha (Sorority)
Panhellenic Council (Sorority Governing Board)Order of Omega (Honor Society)
Performance & Arts Organizations
Art WarriorsConcert ChoirJazz EnsembleMackapella (A-cappella group)Onstagers Dramatic SocietyPep Band
Social and Special Interest Organizations
Asian, Latino(a), African, Native American Affairs (ALANA)Athletes in ActionAuto ClubBest Buddies
CruGaming ClubGay Straight Alliance (GSA)Green TeamHerCampusInterfaith AllianceLive 2 Give (Relay for Life)Merrimack Program BoardPoker SocietySki & Snowboard ClubUltimate Warrior
With all these student organizations on campus, no one should ever be bored! The best part is if none of the organizations are pleasing to you, then you can always create your own. Student Involvement is always there to help all organizations, including students who are trying to create one.