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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Merrimack chapter.

Jillian Toce is a senior here at Merrimack, she is involved in a variety of activities around campus. Jillian is from South Windsor, CT and is majoring in organizational communication and minoring in business administration and  Jewish, Christian, Muslim Relations. One of her hobbies is golf, which she has been playing since she was five years old. After graduation Jillian plans to pursue a master’s degree in student affairs.

Jillian’s many activities around campus include being a Resident Advisor in O’Brien Hall, which she says has given her the opportunity to interact with a lot of students, who she may never have met if it were not for this position. She is also the news editor of Merrimack’s newspaper, The Beacon, which she states is a really rewarding experience. Jillian had also been on three alternative break trips. She co-led a trip to Philadelphia last semester to volunteer at a restaurant-style soup kitchen. She also has participated in weekly service at Lawrence Catholic Academy. Volunteering is something that has always been an important part of her life.

Some advice for incoming freshman would be to focus on their academics. She says that students are in college to receive an education and earn a degree, but that there should be a balance of social life, academics, and extracurricular activities. Jillian emphasizes how the next four years are going to fly by and to take advantage of everything.  

Jillian has achieved so much here at Merrimack in just a few years. We wish her the best of luck in all her future plans.

Michelle is a 20 year old from Stoneham, Massachusetts. She graduated in 2010 from Stoneham High School and is now a junior at Merrimack College. She is an English major and hopes to pursue a career in journalism in the near future. She also has a part-time job which she enjoys. When she is not in school or working, she likes to spend time with family and friends. She enjoys shopping, going to the movies, and going to the beach. She loves to write and would like to write for a magazine or newspaper someday.