This week’s Campus Celeb is Lauren Foster. Lauren is from Rochester, NH and is a senior here at Merrimack. Her major is Communication & Public and Professional Writing. She’s been an Orientation Leader for three years and is an FYE peer mentor. She’s also been on MPB for four years serving as the co-concert chair for three. Lauren has been on SGA since her junior year and is the Treasurer this year. She’s also on M.O.R.E. Council where she leads one of the retreats this year. Lauren writes for the Beacon and is the Special Events chair for Mack Proud Council. She’s the ODK President and Vice President of Lambda Pi Eta. Lauren has made so many memories and friends here at Merrimack. It’s her home away from home, it’s a community with so many opportunities offered. Lauren plans on going into the event production field when she leaves Merrimack. As you can tell, Lauren has made her time here at Merrimack well worth it through the good and the bad times.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Merrimack chapter.