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Merrimack College Homecoming

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Merrimack chapter.


 Merrimack Homecoming!!!

October 17-19 

Homecoming is the tradition of welcoming back alumni of a school. It is a tradition in many universities, colleges and high schools in the United States. It usually includes activities for students and alumni, such as sports and culture events and a parade through the streets of the city or town.


Friday, October 17, 2014

7:00pm – Field Hockey | Merrimack vs. American International College

8:30pm – Mr. Merrimack

This pageant features swimwear, talent, formal wear, and the entertaining interview round. All students, families, and alumni are welcome to find out who will be crowned Mr. Merrimack 2014 – 2015.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

8:00am – Annual Homecoming 5K Run: Think Pink with Zeta Thau Alpha

9:30am- Mission and Student Affairs Reunion

10:00am- Annual Greek Life Meeting

10:00am- Class of 2014 Gift Dedication

10:00amHomecoming Tailgate

11:00am – Carnival Fun Zone

11:30am –  Theology on Tap

11:30am – Homecoming Cook – Out with 21+ Beer Tent

1:00pm – Football | Merrimack vs. Assumption

5:00pm – Mass Celebration

5:00pm- Dine at Sparky’s Place

6:00pm – Men’s Soccer | Merrimack vs. New Haven

7:00pm – Men’s Hockey | Merrimack vs. UCONN

Sunday, October 19, 2014                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        10:00am Annual Car Show


Rachel DeYoung is a junior at Merrimack College pursuing a degree in Business Marketing with a minor in Mass Communications. This is her third year as a member of the Her Campus Merrimack College chapter where she assumes the role of Campus Correspondent. You can follow her on Instagram (rdeyoung)