Remember back in high school when college boys seemed mysteriously cute and somewhat untouchable? Well now that you’re here, you’ve probably realized that college boys are just high school boys who’ve gained a couple years, but probably haven’t matured much. There are hundreds of these guys you will meet in college. Many will come and go throughout your four years and others will become lifetime friends. From frat parties and country concerts to mingling over Margaritas, here are just 11 of the guys you’ll meet in college.
1. The Best Friend You meet and you click, but in a mutual just friends kind of way. Believe it or not ladies, we can have guy as just friends! He looks out for you and you do the same for him. Both of you are genuinely excited for each other when the other finds someone they are really into. Not to mention, he can give some great advice on guys.
2. The Guy You’re Just Not That IntoHe’s the guy you meet and hangout with more than once. You realize that you don’t really like him but chances are, you at first try to give him a chance. It’s always a little awkward when you have to fess up that it’s not you, it’s him.
3. The Nice Guy This boy is one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet, but there’s just one problem… there is no way you would ever date him. Chances are he’s so sweet he’ll ask you to lunch off campus and he’ll want to pay (crazy right?!). As charming as this chivalry may seem, you let him down gently. And chances are, you might regret it down the road. Nice guys just seem to finish last in a college setting.
4. The One Night Stander You’ll meet him at some crowded party or he’ll offer to buy you a drink at the bar. As cute as he is, you can see right through his dumb questions. All he wants is a one nightstand and no, he’s never going to text you.
5. The Odd Ball Honestly we’ve all met one. He’s the guy who gets hammered at wine night and brings home a stray cat. He goes in for a hug and lingers just a little too long. You can’t help but laugh a little, actually you almost expect it, when you come home one night and he’s asleep on your porch with a full pizza. You like pizza though, so he can stay.
6. The HeartbreakerAll of your friends warn you about him, the bad boy you just can’t help fall for. Being with him is thrilling and crazy. His lines are suave and moves even smoother. Sadly it usually doesn’t work out and you’re left broken-hearted. Similar to the one-night-stander, except he’s more of a couple-weeks-er.
7. The Rebound You just got out of a relationship (maybe one with the heartbreaker). Finally your girlfriends get you to dress up, ditch the Netflix, and head Uptown. The guy you meet that night you start “talking” to, but after a few weeks you realize oops! You did it again… you rebounded.
8. The Flirt This guy is Disney prince material (and don’t worry he already knows it). He sees you and immediately starts hardcore flirting. He likes your eyes. Maybe you’ve made out a few times, but nothing more is going to happen. You’ll probably become great friends and his flirting will always cheer you up.
9. The Guy Who Friend Zones YouYes, as much as us girls friend zone guys left and right, it can happen to us too. You are really into this guy and you hangout a lot. He may be so dreamy you trick yourself into believing you just need to give it time. We all need a little wake up call in this case.
10. The Campus Crush He’s that one guy that catches your eye in class and sooner or later, you start seeing him everywhere. He’s smart, cute, stylish and friends with everyone. You fantasize how he’ll randomly say, “Hi,” to you one day in class and then you’ll start dating. Maybe in a year or two you’ll actually become friends with him and luckily he doesn’t have to know you were totally crushing on him before.
11. The Merger You’ve been dating this guy for a while and he’s your perfect match. It doesn’t matter whether you’re going Uptown or just ordering in Krishna, it’s always fun when you’re together. Maybe, just maybe, he pops the question down the road. Suddenly you’re living the dream that thousands of Miamians have dreamt about; you’re a Miami merger. That kiss under Upham Arch really sealed the deal. ;)