All right first-years, sophomores, and transfers… the time of the year is quickly approaching when you’ll decide whether or not you’ll be joining a sorority. Scared? Don’t be! Recruitment is not as intimidating as it sounds! Stick to these tips and you’ll be sure to go through the process with a breeze.
1. Be Yourself! Don’t try to fit a certain image or try to create a “new” you. By being yourself, you’ll get along with the girls that you truly have common interests with. Would you really want to create a new you for a couple weeks, and then be put into a situation for four years where you don’t have things in common with your new sisters?
2. Keep Calm! Recruitment is stressful. We all know that, but try to keep yourself stress free. Don’t get caught up in the hype of gossiping about chapters or trying to avoid certain people. The process is meant to be fun, so keep it that way!
3. Stay Healthy! Recruitment will take a toll on your body. It’s long days with a lot of talking, not to mention it’s in the middle of winter. When you’re not in a party, try to save your voice. Drink hot tea, carry mints and throat lozenges, and drink plenty of water. If necessary, carry some small, healthy snacks with you as you’re moving in your traveling group. Stay hydrated and stay fed!
4. Stay Comfortable! Recruitment is in the middle of winter and you’re going to be walking everywhere. Don’t kill yourself by trying to walk to Central Quad in heels from Western Campus! Put your heels in a bag and wear a pair of boots as you’re moving around–you won’t regret it! Also don’t be afraid to wear leggings or sweatpants over your stockings/under your dress. You’ll be thankful at the end of the day when you’re not freezing walking home!
5. Don’t Be Swayed! If you feel really comfortable or feel a really strong connection with some girls, don’t let what other girls say change your mind. After all, this is all about where you fit and where you’ll be happy and comfortable. You’ll hear it a million times, but the system does work, so trust it! You’ll end up where you’re going to be happy.
6. Have Fun! Recruitment starts some of the most exciting times in your college career, so don’t get caught up in drama and just have fun! At the end of this long and stressful process, you’ll have some of the most supportive friends around. Making new friends in your traveling group is one of the most exciting parts of Recruitment as well, who knows, maybe they’ll even be in your new chapter! Keep an open mind and have fun!
Photo courtesy of Cliff Alexander Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life & Leadership