Confidence: noun [kon-fi-duh ns]: Belief in oneself and one’s powers or abilities.
You’ve probably heard the phrase “confidence is key” and seen things like “10 Ways to Look and Feel Confident” on every women’s magazine in the checkout lane at Target. If someone asked you to define the word confidence, it would be relatively easy.
What if someone asked you how confidence feels?
Confidence feels like your butt has never looked better in these jeans. It feels like your eyebrows are #OnFleek and your hair doesn’t look like it’s full of dry shampoo. Confidence feels like when you buy that new dress and it looks like it was made for you, or you working it no matter what it looks like!
Confidence feels like knowing you look great with makeup, and it also feels like knowing that you can rock a bare face because everyone is human and sometimes you just can’t be bothered.
What does it mean to feel good in your skin? It means accepting your flaws and knowing that every freckle and every stretch mark means that you have lived. You have grown, and that’s a beautiful thing. Feeling good in your skin means understanding that the feeling may not be there every single day, but that tomorrow has so many possibilities to be better than today.