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Make This Your Best Semester Yet!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Miami (OH) chapter.

It appears that more often than not, students fall victim to the annual post-winter break slump- that awful struggle of getting back into the groove after a couple weeks of priceless R&R at home. It is quite common for students to get back to Oxford and have little to no motivation to work hard in class, fighting with the transition into a new schedule, getting organized, and getting accustomed to new professors. These first few weeks of spring semester can be a serious hassle, so Her Campus has some tips for all you collegiates out there looking to make the spring positive and productive!

  • If you haven’t yet, buy a planner: A good planner can be a practical start to organizing even the craziest of semesters. We all know how easily assignments quickly pile up and using a planner can help by being a visual aid when tackling assignments or tasks. The Miami Bookstore sells an incredible agenda book designed by your fellow peers that already includes important Miami events and dates so you’ll never be out of the loop. The Apple Tree uptown also sells Lilly Pulitzer planners that come in various patterns and are incredibly useful for keeping your life in order.
  • An organized room makes for an organized mind: Take the time to pick up clutter in your living space; little things like making your bed or organizing your closet can really go a long way when you’re having a stressful week. When life feels chaotic, it is important to take control of the little things that you can control and personal tidiness is one of those things!
  • Set your goals: We all have the habit of setting New Year’s Resolutions over break, promising to lose weight, get a higher GPA, or finally find Mr. Right. While setting these resolutions is an annual tradition, it can sometimes be detrimental when we set our goals too high or take on too many at a time. This year, pinpoint your goals and break them down into smaller milestones. For instance, rather than trying to lose 20 pounds by spring break, break it down by month. This way you won’t be overwhelmed by the daunting task of fulfilling a crazy goal, but rather work weekly and see progress as you reach each milestone! This strategy will bring you closer to achieving your ultimate goal.
  • Feel the burn!: With a busy academic and social life, carving out time for the gym may be the last thing on your mind, but getting yourself that time at the RPAC might be exactly what you need. Studies show that regular aerobic exercise can be just as beneficial for your mind as it is for your body. A daily work out can be effective in reducing fatigue, improving alertness and concentration, and dissipating stress! As Elle Woods simply put it, “Exercise gives you endorphins, and endorphins make you happy!” So get into a groove of going and don’t stray from your personal routine! Your stress levels will lower and your body will thank you!
  • Make professors your pals: It is important to make yourself known to professors right off the bat when starting a new semester. The more you interact with a teacher, the more likely you are to feel comfortable asking questions which will lead to benefiting from the course and doing well.
  • Choose healthier options: Some say the body is a temple, John Mayer sees it as a wonderland. Regardless of what you wish to call it, your body deserves the best and it performs better when it is supplied with the nutrients that it really needs. Avoid foods that cause bloating, break outs, and fatigue after eating. Instead, snack on foods that are low in trans fat and high in vitamins or natural sugars; choosing wisely can do wonders for your daily energy and outlook. And grab breakfast! Adults who eat breakfast can benefit from increased concentration and productivity!


  • Stay inspired!: It is very easy to get caught in a redundant routine during these colder months of the year, so it is essential to mix things up a bit from time to time to keep yourself motivated and progressing. Look into joining a new organization on campus or hang out with that friend you haven’t seen in forever. New places and faces will give this semester an edge above the others. It is also important to value your inner creative potential. Start a blog or finally read that novel by that author you’ve always wanted to try out. Little things like this will add up and be beneficial in making this semester a healthy and productive one all around!
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Hannah Harp

Miami (OH)

Hannah Harp is a senior studying Journalism and Psychology at Miami University. She is a co-editor, contributing writer, and photoblogger for the Miami (OH) Chapter of Her Campus.
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Katlyn Byers

Miami (OH)

Kate Byers is in the minority as a married college student as of August 13, 2011 (!). As a Senior English Major with a Communication minor, she is frequently found curled up somewhere with a book or notepad. A co-founder of the Miami University branch, Kate spends most of her time behind the scenes as editor. She has also had an internship in Human Resources. Kate has a passion for all things food; an avid fan of The Next Food Network Star, much of Kate's free time is spent in the kitchen, baking something yummy for her friends or husband, Nick. Her favorite band is Coldplay, and one of her great guilty pleasures is musical theatre. Although her roots are in Cincinnati, she dreams of moving to New York City after graduation to look for Public Relations or Journalism opportunities. The 2011-2012 school year will be a big one for Kate both personally and in her new adventure with Her Campus!