For any Miami student who has a Twitter account, the name Miami Of Brohio probably rings a bell. An anonymous character (whom we are all dying to know) created this account last April. With over 2,000 followers, Miami Of Brohio keeps everyone wildly entertained with sarcasm and comical ridiculousness. I was fortunate enough to be able to speak to the genius behind all of the anonymous hilarity…
HC: What inspired you to create the MiamiOfBrohio Twitter account?
Miami Of Brohio: I read TFM, Brobible, Barstool Boston (a blog focused on Boston sports and humor) and other sites like that pretty regularly, and one day I just thought, “I can do that.” A lot of Miami students read those kinds of sites, and I was hoping to create a kind of hybrid super-blog that Miami students could relate to. I started it last April and it’s grown to what it is today. It’s bigger than I thought it would ever be.
HC: Your Twitter account obviously supports the bro lifestyle, so what do you think it means to be a “bro”?Â
Miami Of Brohio: I’ll attempt to explain it without sounding like a complete a–hole but here goes… Being a bro isn’t defined by any one thing. It isn’t defined by just being in a fraternity or by playing lacrosse. It isn’t just where you come from or what you wear. It’s more of a mentality or personality. It’s a confidence. A bro thrives in any situation. Bros don’t just mindlessly agree with @brotips or whatever. Yeah, they have some funny things to say, but then again, one of their tips is “naps are legit.” Not exactly a gem of wisdom. I have obviously failed miserably in not sounding like a tool, but that is because explaining what a bro is, is not bro.
HC: What is your favorite thing about being a bro?
Miami Of Brohio: I just act like myself and people seem to like it, so that’s reassuring. Thanks, Mom and Dad.
HC: There is also a Miami Of Brohio blog. What do you like to write about most on your blog?
Miami Of Brohio: Most posts on the blog are things I would talk about with friends anyway. Rants about the ridiculous lines at Dividends at noon, or the belligerent girl at Brick last night. I communicate through movie/TV/sports/pop culture references when I talk to people, so I write that way too. I (try to) incorporate funny stuff I find on the Internet, good shows/movies, something crazy in the sports world, etc. regularly. It’s not just me anymore though. I have a handful of contributors that also write, and more than a couple pledges–I mean interns–who also write. Having an actual staff has been weird because I’m used to doing everything myself. But it’s worked out awesome so far. We have a lot of new stuff coming your way.Â
HC: Do you think the people behind Miami Of Brohio will ever reveal their identities?
Miami Of Brohio: Sorry to disappoint but probably not. Being anonymous gives us WAY more authority and credit than we deserve, and we are taking full advantage of that. Plus, I think the anonymity is part of the draw. If I had a dollar for every tweet I got asking, “Who is Miami of Brohio?” I would be able to fund the Armstrong Center myself.Â