Reception at the speaking engagement with delish personalized Miami (OH) cookies! Can you say NOM?!?
Some Her Campus swag and Clinique goodies for the event attendees!
Alex McNulty, Her Campus Miami (OH) Editor-in-Chief, and Melissa Maykut, the chapter’s President, introduced Windsor Hanger Western to the audience!
Windsor Hanger Western, the Co-founder, President, and Publisher of Her Campus, speaks to students and faculty about how to launch a business with “No Money, No Experience, and No Business Education”.
Windsor Hanger Western and the Her Campus Miami (OH) leadership team!
Windsor Hanger Western with Alaine Perconti, Founder of Her Campus Miami (OH); Melissa Maykut, President of Her Campus Miami (OH), & Alex McNulty, Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus Miami (OH).
Thanks to everyone who came out to hear Windsor’s 11 Rules on How to Start a Business and Achieve Your Goals with No Money, No Experience…and No Business Education!
Que & Caitlin