Spring break is the best time of the spring semester. Parks and Rec understands just how we feel.
Day 1:
Classes are over for the next week and sun and drinks are calling your name.
Day 2:
The drinking has begun and it’s off to a good start. You have decided that this week, you are going to treat yourself in a true Donna and Tom fashion.
Day 3:
There have been some disputes about who gets which guy… Usually due to irrational thinking and, let’s be honest, drunk brains. But you and your girls always make it through.
Day 4:
This is the peak of the week.
Day 5:
The reality of having to go back to school is starting to sink in, so you cling to the last vestiges of break with all your might.
Day 6:
The week of drinking has finally caught up to you and your liver is not happy.
Day 7:
Classes are starting back up and your heart is broken. Your professors have resumed emailing you assignments and reminding you of your end of semester paper that you’ve been putting off writing.  You live in denial until the last possible moment.
You have lived, loved, and god knows you drank, but it’s time for classes to start back up and to finish the year with pride in the knowledge that you Spring-Breaked your ass off.