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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

Taylor Swifts’ “The Eras Tour”, is quickly approaching, and with that comes the anticipation of the two shows I am attending in May. From set lists to outfits, I have fantasized it all, and today I am going to list 13 songs I absolutely need to hear and why. “All’s well that ends well” in which songs make my cut.

Out of the woods

The bridge.

better than revenge

While I do not have my hopes up for this one, my list would not be complete without it. I am happy to step away from my feminist views for 3 minutes and 37 seconds while bopping to this.

All to well (10 minute version)

Duh. You are not a “swiftie” if it is not your life goal to hear this live.


Reputation holds a special place in my heart and so does this song. While I also have little hope for hearing this one, a girl has got to dream.

King of my heart

We have circled back to the bridge. When don’t we with Taylor Swift, though.


I have longed to hear this song live since the day this album was released. We can call it a little bucket list moment, perhaps.

champagne problems

This entire song is a lyrical genius, but once again, we have circled back to the bridge. I would apologize but it would be useless; I would have to apologize a thousand more times.

my tears ricochet

This one hits a little too close to home sometimes so envisioning it live just scratches a long, overdue itch.

Sweet Nothing

As a cancer, this should just make sense.

High InfidElity

While I will not be at the April 29th show, for those of you that will be, I hope you get to hear this song. I will be living vicariously through you.

Call it what you want

I have to scream “Not because he owns me. But ’cause he really knows me”. I just have to.


This is an OG love of mine and an underrated one at that. This song deserves its recognition at the Eras Tour, point blank.

long live

Maybe it’s because a week prior to this concert I graduate, or maybe I am just a sappy cancer at heart, but I kind of need to cry to this in the crowd.

I am sure some Swifties will disagree with my list, but that is the joy of being a Taylor Swift fan; she has given us too many songs to possibly choose from. While I know there is no way these 13 songs will all make it into my show, a girl sure can dream.



Gabby Krick

Millersville '23

Gabby is a senior studying all things business and is the social media and marketing chair for Her Campus at Millersville. Dancing and choreographing are what she loves most outside of the world of writing. You can also find her at the gym, reading, baking, or planning a themed party.