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5 Fun Things to Do to Help Kill Time with Little Kids 

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

Babysitting ideas and fun for everyone!

Anyone who has a child or babysits for kids knows that they can easily get bored with activities. It’s helpful to have a list in your back pocket for the days that seem to drag on slowly. These 5 activities are my favorite choices to kill time while also having fun with the kids I am watching! 

  1. Bake Cookies and Decorate them 

I love baking with the kids I nanny for. They love having a fun little treat to eat afterward too. Usually, you can run to any store and find some cookie dough, icing, and sprinkles for cheap. Some fun ideas for decorating include cookie cutters, crumbling some Oreos, adding chocolate chips, and using ziploc bags to put icing in. This is a great time-killer and is perfect if the parents or relatives have birthdays or other celebrations coming up! 

  1. Cook Together 

The families I nanny for LOVE coming home to an already-cooked meal for the family. I often let the kids help decide and cook what we are making for dinner (with help from me of course). Lots of recipes have ingredients that kids can interact with. Some of my favorites include English muffin pepperoni pizzas they can build, chocolate chip pancakes, and stuffed shells. 

How people think cooking with kids really is LOL
  1. Make a Cardboard house or Fort. Then, color it. 

Nowadays we always have huge empty boxes lying around, these make the perfect DIY kid houses. You can use scissors to cut out a door and window too. I usually give kids washable markers to color the whole house. We also use construction paper and crayons to make decor and furniture for inside the home. This is something that could keep a child’s attention for hours and they usually like to keep it around to use it every day. Kids love playing house and it’s even better when they get to design it! 

  1. Take a Trip to a Kid-Friendly Place 

There are so many places that can be so much fun for kids, give you a break, and kill time. In Lancaster, we have a hands-on house, tiny town, and a play cafe that are specifically designed just for kids. If you need budget-friendly options try visiting multiple nearby parks or school night/fundraising events in the local community. Other ideas include children’s museums and science factories, interactive exhibits, fall fun days, etc.

  1. Outdoor Time 

Kids love spending time outside. They are easily fascinated by all of the stuff out in nature that they don’t always get to interact with. Setting up a kiddie pool or sprinkler is a great time killer on a hot day and keeps the kids happy. Taking a bike ride or a walk is another great idea. Sometimes just sitting near a dirt patch or garden is great because kids just want to watch nature. Chalk, remote-controlled cars, nerf guns, and obstacle courses are other great outside activities! The trampoline is the best because you can join in too, double the fun!


I love working with kids but sometimes it can feel like the day will never end. Doing some of these activities ensures that your day goes a little faster. Plus, it helps children stay engaged the whole time you’re there even if you’re tired. 

Thanks for Reading!


Madison Glatfelter

Millersville '24

Madi is a senior at Millersville majoring in Elementary Education with a minor in General English. Some of her hobbies include playing volleyball, nannying for families, and participating in ECHO and KDP on campus. Madi is passionate about school-work-life balance, relationships, organization, self-care, and life/school hacks.