This past week at Millersville University, the Center for Health Education and Promotion held a beauty campaign called “I Woke Up Like This.” At the beauthy campaign, Julie Mathers gave an impressive speech about how she battled and overcame an eating disorder as well as how to love your self[ie]. I loved how much she encouraged us to not care about calories, how she said we can’t BE fat, we can only HAVE fat, and we need to embrace ourselves. After going to this event, I decided to write my blog article on self-love and I want to share some of my favorite qoutes that will inspire, encourage, and most of all–speak to your soul.
In this day and age, I feel like I know of a lot of people that struggle with loving themselves. I know body image usually plays a big part in this as well as people around them that criticize themselevs. For people like Julie Mathers that battled and overcame an eating disorder, she declared that an eating disorder was something she had but it wasnt going to define her. I want everyone to know that you are not whatever you are battling, you are not fat, you just have fat! As for other self-love issues, YOU are pretty, YOU are awesome, YOU can change yourself for the better and YOU should be your biggest fan! Kind of like that saying, Why hate, when you can appreciate?
If you aren’t at your peak of self-love, then you need to work to get there and nothing is wrong with that.
I love this next qoute so much because I know of a lot of people who try to get into a relationship, but then struggle to love someone because the issue roots from them not being able to love themselves.
We don’t need to be perfect–you have got to own them flaws girl!
Anything you do is for you, so why not start with working for nobody other than yourself.
Lastly, make yourself a priority because you are worth it.
I hope this reminds, encourages, motivates and inspires you how important self-love is and that you deserve to feel good about yourself at all times. Think of it this way too, What would Drake want you to do? He would say CHEERS TO YOU, BAE!
Angelica <3