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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

If you have an Alexa device, you know the fun in finding random commands that she will respond to. If you do not have an Alexa, read this anyways and find out what Halloween related cues you can ask the bot.

Ghost detector game

Just say “Alexa, enable ghost detector skill,” then wait for her to detect a ghost. She can catch one a day.

halloween movie recommendations

“Alexa, what is your favorite Halloween movie?” or “Alexa, what is your favorite horror movie?”. Either of these questions will get you a list of Alexa’s top Halloween movies, most of which are offered on Amazon Prime.

costume ideas

Ask “Alexa, what should I be for Halloween?” and wait for numerous options based on current trends on what to be this year. Now is the time to ask, too, since Halloween is right around the corner.

spooky stories

If having spooky stories read to you is intriguing, say “Alexa, enable boo bot skill.” She will then proceed to read you the scariest stories off of Reddit.

halloween countdown

The excitement and anticipation leading up to a holiday is almost more fun than the day itself. Say “Alexa, enable Halloween countdown skill,” and each day she will relay how many more days are left until Halloween.

halloween sound effects

Having a Halloween party? Just say, “Alexa, enable spooky Halloween sounds skill,” and let the sound effects create some killer vibes for your get together.

halloween jokes

Great for kids or adults just looking for entertainment. Ask, “Alexa, tell me a Halloween joke,” then get ready to probably not laugh, but be totally entertained.

Alexa is the perfect solution to boredom and these fun Halloween cues just make her that much more entertaining. So sometime this weekend, between the costumes and candy, be sure to ask Alexa all about Halloween.



Gabby Krick

Millersville '23

Gabby is a senior studying all things business and is the social media and marketing chair for Her Campus at Millersville. Dancing and choreographing are what she loves most outside of the world of writing. You can also find her at the gym, reading, baking, or planning a themed party.