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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

I can remember back to starting off my freshman year at Millersville University and questioning all the things in my life at that time. Am I going to the right college? What am I going to major in? Will I fit in here? All of these questions came flooding to my mind and I didn’t know how to answer any of them. Now that I am a senior, I am still questioning a lot of things –because let’s be real, who doesn’t? — however, I now feel a sense of confidence, hope and excitement to embark on a new chapter in my life.

(Image courtesy of Pinterest)

As a freshman, you experience a lot of uncertainty and we worry about small things on a daily basis. Once you get past freshman year, then you move up to the next grade-level and you learn things you never knew, experience new things you hadn’t before and we also begin to form a more confident sense of identity that we never had before. Speaking for myself, I knew that I wanted to go to college right after high school. I knew that I wanted to invest in my education to get to where I want to be in life.

I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do, but guess what–I figured it out through the learning process. I explored different courses to see what I was interested in and eventually landed on one that I felt like I had the potential to grow and succeed as a professional. That’s when I declared my communication major with an option in public relations. I later on added on a minor in entrepreneurship because I always dream of starting my own business one day soon.

Now being a senior, days away from graduation, I can say that I am beyond excited to move onto the next part of my life. Although I have been a commuter for all four years of my college career, I feel like I have had quite a good experience at Millersville University. I am so thankful to have been apart of Her Campus Millersville, which has contributed to my leadership, writing and people skills. I have made many friendships, memories and attended awesome events like Her Conference and College Fashion Week in New York City.

Ultimately, I am thankful for everyone that has contributed to my college experience. I feel like it has been a big chapter in my life that has prepared me to turn the page onto something new. I am personally thankful for Her Campus because I have never been apart of something that has made me feel so comfortable and more welcomed than ever before. This is my senior farewell. So thank you to my fellow Her Campus Millersville Collegiettes that have been the best girls I could have ever asked to be with.

Yours truly, Angelica

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Angelica Lopez


Hello my fellow Collegiate ladies! I am currently a Senior at Millersville University studying communications and public relations. I joined Her Campus in January 2014 as a contributing writer. It was the best decision I ever made in my college career because it gave me excellent opportunities and a chance to meet an awesome group of collegiate women just like me! I have served as publicity director and I am currently the vice president of the Millersville Chapter. I am a lover of fashion, photography, all things make-up related and creative.
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