As a graduating senior, there is a lot going on right now that I can’t control. I can’t control when stay at home orders are lifted so I can start going to work, I can’t control when my university will hold graduation and I can’t control that jobs I’ve applied to haven’t responded to me. I’m sure all 2020 college graduates feel this way right now. We are about to enter a job market that is very uncertain, a world that isn’t sure when or if it can start moving freely again. It’s possible we will also graduate at a time when the economy is moving towards a recession and having another experience like we did in 2008, except now we are the adults. There’s a lot of stress and uncertainty for us to say the least.
With all this uncertainty, make sure to give yourself a break, remember to congratulate yourself because you are graduating from college. It’s a major accomplishment and you have worked so hard to get to this moment. Try not to compare yourself to others during this time and in the future. Don’t feel bad if you haven’t applied to any jobs or if you’ve applied to twenty and none of them have emailed you back. Give yourself time to adjust to post college life, it’s going to be weird and scary not having to go back to school ever again (unless you go to grad school).
Once this is all over, go outside and celebrate your accomplishment you worked hard for. You deserve to have your hard work be acknowledged.
Congratulations to class of 2020, we’ll make it through this, I know we all will do amazing and wonderful things.
HCXO, Erika.