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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.


Halloween is one of many favorite holidays and savoring the energy of the season is something I try and fail at most years. This year though, I am creating this step-by-step guide to Halloween vibes for both myself and my readers! Without further ado, let’s try not to crash and burn with this one!

Create a Playlist

Everyone knows that the most important part of establishing a certain ambiance or feel is having the proper musical accompaniment. While it may not have the same amount of music inspiration that Christmas has, there are plenty of Halloween songs to add to your next spooky (or not-so-spooky) playlist. The right music adds the perfect energy to your next party, movie night, etc. If you are tired of the classics of Halloween such as “The Monster Mash” or “Spooky Scary Skeletons” there are many artists that have songs that still connect with the Halloween vibe. While I will always be jamming out to “Spooky Scary Skeletons”, I highly recommend songs like “You Make It Feel Like It’s Halloween” by Muse or “Oh Klahoma” by Jack Stauber! With a solid playlist made with the help of yours truly, you are one step closer to making that perfect Halloween feel.

Watch Spooky Movies

I am a huge horror movie fan and I love recommending movies for my friends to watch. You have your classic slashers like Friday the Thirteenth, Nightmare on Elm Street, or the namesake Halloween. There are also your fan favorites like The Shining, The Conjuring, Jaws, The Blair Witch Project, It and so many more. To be honest, I am tired of my friends never wanting to watch horror movies with me so I have resigned myself to talking about them with you lovely strangers on the internet. That doesn’t sound sad at all… right? Anyway, I know that horror movies aren’t for everyone and I am all about including everyone in on the holiday cheer! If you want something more tame for your viewing pleasure, there are movies like Coraline, Monster House, Scooby Doo, and Nightmare Before Christmas, which I can’t tell if it is a Christmas movie or a Halloween one. If these aren’t what you’re looking for, then watch a Rom-Com cause the scariest thing in the world is commitment. No matter what you pick, dim the lights, make popcorn and your favorite drink, and enjoy the cozy spooky feels.

Get in the Proper Attire

Proper clothing is a must for whatever you choose to do on All Hallows Eve. You may be going out trick-or-treating or going to a Halloween event where you need a costume fit for the King/Queen/Ruler of Halloween that you are! Making a costume by hand may be difficult and time-consuming but gives a sense of accomplishment when done. If you’re like me though, you love to go to Spirit Halloween to find a costume, see how expensive they are, and leave with absolutely no progress made. This may or may not be why I have no idea what I am going to be this year. If this is a more chill occasion where costumes are not required, wearing cute Halloween pajamas is definitely needed. Fuzzy sweaters with ghosts on them, pumpkin pajama pants, or both! If you buy a costume and wear it absolutely nowhere and watch movies alone, I am going to start thinking we are related. 


With any holiday, I think decorating accordingly is the best part. Throw some fake cobwebs over your door, add way too many pumpkins around your house, and include a ghost figure that you are definitely going to forget you put up and will scare the pants off of you later. After that, adding some purple and green light strands will add the perfect lighting element to your creepy cozy home! Don’t forget your interior though! Having elements of Halloween inside and out of your home will only increase the ambiance of a hauntingly cool house.

Make Cookies

This is more of an optional step but there are two ways to go about this. Either you make the cookies, or you don’t make the cookies and cry later because you didn’t make them. Either way, you should make the cookies and the Pillsbury Halloween ones are the best. Cookies make everything better, even if they aren’t Halloween-themed. I might also just like cookies and this section of the article is completely irrelevant. 


Halloween is one of those holidays that is over before you even know it’s coming. With that in mind, having a game plan to fully revel in the spooky season is something I am happy to give to you guys! Definitely not because I am horrible at time management and planning fun things for festive times. Even so, I hope this guide helps add some spooky spice to your Halloween festivities!

The Spookiest of Wishes,


Jackie Pento

Millersville '26

Hi! My name is Jackie and I am a freshman at Millersville University! I am passionate about music, art, and video games!