As we’ve all heard, senioritis is a REAL thing. Staying motivated can be hard, but it can be especially hard as a senior coming back to campus after three semesters of online school. The typical thing that someone would say to me right now is, “It’s okay, you’re almost done!” or “Just get through this week!”, but honestly, I don’t want to hear the fake inspirational quotes.
I think sometimes my realistic attitude can be mistaken for cynicism, but at this point in the semester, it seems silly to not be realistic with myself. I have fallen completely behind in school, dance, and my fitness life. But guess what – that is okay! Falling behind is natural and completely normal in college. Busy work schedules, heavy class loads, and trying to keep a social life are all factors into life simply taking its toll.
It’s hard to feel like you can catch up after you feel like you’ve fallen so far. Sure, I probably sound super dramatic right now, but I bet there is someone reading this article that can relate. When I say I’m falling a little behind I don’t mean I am failing classes. It is more the feeling of missing one thing and never making it up, or walking into dance class with no choreography that day. Just minor things that make you feel like you’re slowly taking backward steps.
At the end of the day, sometimes you need to find peace in the fact that you made it another day. Life can be hard and falling behind can be stressful, but it is 100% okay. Feeling the weight of life on your shoulders can be heavy, but it is important to remember that you only need to carry what you choose.
HCXO, Laura