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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

Goodbye teenage years, and hellooooo to my twenties! Yep, that’s right, I am going to be twenty in just a few short days, and it is so hard to believe that I am not a tiny awkward teenager anymore.With my birthday coming up this weekend, I can’t help but reminisce on my past year of life and how much I have grown as a person, as well as who I will become. Last year, I was a shy girl going on the age of 19, ready to take on college and life and trying to meet friends from the comfort of my computer chair back home, and now I am going on 20, and I have formed bonds with a group of friends and my roomies who I love, joined so many organizations on campus, got involved, and even added a minor to my undergraduate studies! The thought that I am turning twenty in a few days scares me, (it probably scares my parents a little bit more because oh my gosh how can they be old enough to have a twenty-year-old?!), but being an actual adult is so much cooler and exhilarating than being a teen. Yeah sure, the teenage years are fun for some but personally, life is just the beginning for me, and it’s now where I can begin actually experiencing life for what it’s supposed to be. Life is too short to sulk on things and complain about how old you are, when we should really just be living in the moment and not worrying about it! 18-year-old Bri would think quite differently, but almost 20-year-old Bri is excited for real life to begin!



Bri Clark

Millersville '24

Hey! I'm Bri and I am a sophomore at Millersville University majoring in Middle Level English Education. I love insanely cheesy literature, iced coffee (lots of it!), hanging with my dogs, fall-scented candles, indie/alt music, and binge watching television. I am so excited to continue writing for the HC Millersville team!