It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life, and lately, I’ve found myself getting wrapped up in to-do lists and deadlines. In the past few months, I’ve noticed that my life feels like it’s revolving around work when, in reality, I want work to be just a part of my life. Now, I am only fulfilling the needs in my life and have been neglecting the wants. Therefore, I set out on a mission to find small things to do to make life a little more fun. These are 5 ways I am romanticizing my life.
- Making self care a priority
Self care is something that looks different for every single person. For me, self care is taking time for myself to reflect, relax, and reset. One of my favorite things to do is bullet journal, but in the past few months, I’ve ignored this hobby and have put all of my focus on other things that I deemed more important. In reality, taking time for me to bullet journal, watch a new TV show, read a book, or pamper myself is just as important.
This past month, I’ve made self care a priority. Now, I set aside time to do what makes me happy, and I make sure that I am really giving myself the opportunity to enjoy it. I feel like I’ve not only taken a piece of my life back, but also have given myself the opportunity to grow in other outlets of my identity. Through prioritizing self care, I’ve accomplished more, and I’ve been happier doing it.
- swapping tiktok for a good book
Just like many people in this world, when I woke up, the first thing I would do was pick up my phone and scroll on TikTok. Instantly, I was transported into this world of 30 second videos that equated to countless hours of comparison and critiques. It was just so easy to mindlessly scroll through video after video while I tried to slowly wake up.
I came to realize that this habit was obviously more harmful than it was helpful, yet it was pretty difficult to break. I found that it was important for me to get up, get started, and get moving as soon as I woke up. Now, instead of instantly reaching for my phone in the morning or when I need a small break, I pick up a book and read a few pages, a chapter, or until I feel satisfied. Transporting myself into a fictional world has been way more beneficial than transporting myself into the lives of the people living around me. Instead of comparing, I’m learning who I am and who I want to be.
- Buying myself flowers
In the wise words of Miley Cyrus, “I can buy myself flowers”, and I certainly do.
Nothing makes me feel like I have my life together more than when I have a vase with fresh flowers sitting in my room. Getting myself something simple that puts a smile on my face is such an easy way to make life feel more full and fun. I will always spare a few bucks for a small bouquet, especially tulips, and I suggest you do, too.
- making a playlist for every occasion
If you know me, you know that music is a big part of my life. I love listening to, creating, or just interacting with it. Therefore, I’ve always believed that there’s a playlist for my life. Instead of just believing this, I made it a reality. I’ve made playlists or have found artists that match the vibe for every possible scenario. Listening to and creating these playlists has helped to make everything feel like a movie, and living every day in that kind of world is a game changer for creating an enjoyable, free life.
- changing it up
It’s undeniable that there are things in life that have to get accomplished, aka the needs vs the wants. It’s easy to feel drained when accomplishing the needs, but I found that simple changes can turn any need into a want. For example, when I have homework to do, I may go to a cafe, or I may stay in my room and open a window, maybe have a cup of coffee, but I will not just sit in silence and go through the work like a robot. Let’s say I have to clean my room. Instead of making it a miserable experience, I’ll listen to a podcast or dance along to one of my perfectly curated playlists. Every need can be made a little more fun, and making those small changes is an easy way to enjoy getting the job done.
Before doing these five small things, it was easy to get lost in this life, and I started to lose my idea of who I was and what I wanted my days to look like. Romanticizing my life has helped me to find joy in the needs, the wants, and all of the little things in between. You don’t have to travel the world or run off into the sunset for life to feel like a movie. Sometimes all you need is a vase full of flowers, a good book, a relaxing environment, some downtime, and the perfect playlist to feel like the main character.