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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

Halloween is my favorite holiday. If there are two things I always pull off, they are going all out for “Halloweekend” and successfully DIYing anything I possibly can. Each year Halloween rolls around and each year I have a list of twenty-something costumes I want to wear with only four days to actually assemble it. As I like to say, Halloween is a mindset, and I am constantly in that mindset for months leading up to the exciting weekend. So, let’s take a look at my costume options for 2022.

Wednesday Addams

This is a costume I am actually using this year and I am so psyched. Black braided wig and all, I am ready to scowl for an entire night in this costume. I also have like five TikToks lined up so be sure to check those out @gabthegal

draco malfoy

Draco, draco, draco. I love this man with my entire being and I have the perfect green plaid skirt and Slytherin scarf ready to rock this costume. Unfortunately, I do not think it will make the cut, but it is first on my back up list, so we shall see.

Sharpay and tiara

This costume I have had saved since the summer months, as embarrassing as that is to admit. And I luckily was able to convince my roommate and best friend to do it as a duo costume. It involves a little DIYing, nothing I can’t handle of course, but I just know this is going to be one iconic costume once it all comes together.


This one did not make the cut this year, but I swear one day it will. I think even as a group costume, this could be so cute, if everyone is a different Loki from the show. There are a million other Marvel characters that could be killer for a group costume as well.

lorelai gilmore

A fall classic. I look nothing like her, but every year when I inevitably rewatch “Gilmore Girls” I am tempted to throw on some jean shorts, a pink top, knee high boots, and a trench coat and call it a day. I am waiting to befriend a brunette with blue eyes, so I can then convince them to do this costume.

(wo)Men in black

An easy but iconic group costume that my roommates and I will be sporting this year at the bars. If you see a group of girls in all black with sunglasses, mind your business.

disney villains

I think this would be such an iconic group costume, but unfortunately my not so crafty friends were not up for the challenge on this one. One day I will whip out a couple of DIYed costumes for the group though, and it will be oh so cute.

spice girls

Another group costume I am dying to do. Unfortunately I can never seem to find five people that are all down for this one, so until that day rolls around, this will just have to sit in the back up list.

This list only scratches the surface of my ideas saved between my Pinterest board and Notes app, but these were all seriously considered for Halloween 2022, and some even made the cut. Be sure to check out my Instagram, @gabby.krick, and our chapter’s Instagram, @hercampusmillersville, to see these costumes very soon.



Gabby Krick

Millersville '23

Gabby is a senior studying all things business and is the social media and marketing chair for Her Campus at Millersville. Dancing and choreographing are what she loves most outside of the world of writing. You can also find her at the gym, reading, baking, or planning a themed party.