Being bored is bad enough as it is but being bored when you feel like you should be doing something productive is even worse. Here are some ideas to keep yourself busy while being productive at the same time!
Create a Google Calendar
Yes, the iPhone has a built-in calendar app, but the aesthetic of the Google calendar makes me feel neat and organized. You can color code events, view in a monthly glance which days are jam-packed, and sync up other calendars from organizations you might be a part of!
When I was younger, I despised cleaning. I don’t know if it was an act of rebellion or if I was just too lazy, but I rarely did it. But now cleaning is one of my favorite things to do. It’s a two-for-one activity because it gives you something to do, and when you are done you have a nice clean and organized area to relax in!
Start a Bullet Journal
Bullet journaling is a great invention, you get to organize all of your upcoming events, thoughts and feelings, and reminders all in one. Not only that, but you also get to practice your art and lettering. It’s a great way to pass the time and get everything in order!
Pick Up a Hobby
Hobbies don’t always have to be expensive and daunting. I picked up astrology as a hobby and I’ve loved every second of it. There is so much to read about, you can read you and your friends’ charts, and find friends that have the same interests! Even watching documentaries can be considered a hobby, anything that brings you joy is great to pass the time!
Look Up New Recipes​
I’m constantly trying to find new recipes that satisfy my picky-eating and that are easy to cook with a busy week. Pinterest is great for this, but there are tons of websites geared towards fast and easy recipes that are cheap for a college student!
Anything that you can find that makes you happy and can bring any sort of benefit to your life or others is something productive. These are just a few ideas, but you can even google fun hobbies that don’t require much effort or money! I hope this list helps another bored college student!