This is my 4th year at Millersville University and I can practically see the end coming up. I have been increasingly getting more and more impatient with how slow this semester has felt and I can tell that Senioritis is kicking in. If you don’t already know what Senioritis is, defined it as “a decline in motivation or academic performance that afflicts some seniors in high school and college, especially in their last term.”
There are 3 different stages of Senioritis but it is important to realize that not every Senior struggling with this illness has the same symptoms. Also, it is important to note that every Senior can go through these 3 stages at different times (for example, a Senior could start out stuck in Stage 2 and then move to Stage 3 and finally, glide into Stage 1).
Stage 1: Excitement
The symptoms of Stage 1 Senioritis includes getting excited when anyone mentions anything even slightly related to graduation, an unstoppable urge to remind everyone that you will be graduating soon (no matter how annoying it gets to anyone), and even creating countdowns on your phone. Stage 1 Senioritis can also include the hoarding of graduation photo poses, cap designs and even party plans on Pinterest.
Stage Two: Depression
The symptoms of Stage 2 Senioritis includes severe anxiety for the future, clinginess to friends, negative thoughts about how “college is the best time of your life,” uncontrollable crying, regret, hopelessness and a lack of motivation.
Stage Three: Anger
The symptoms of Stage 3 Senioritis includes rapid heart palpitations while thinking about the student loans that will be coming, deeply rooted anger and jealousy for anyone who has already graduated, and a struggle to find motivation to complete work (or even to get out of bed).
I’ll be honest, I’m definitely in Stage Three of Senioritis.
Since there is no actual cure or medication for this I have been treating my Senioritis with rewards. Though my bank account may dislike my coping skills, my GPA approves. For instance, once I complete a homework assignment I then reward myself with TV time. If I finished a huge assignment then I reward myself with take-out. Or, if I am having an insanely hard time trying to get motivated to do my work, I bribe myself with an iced coffee from Dunkin’ Donuts. If rewarding yourself like this is not your cup of tea then you could easily switch it up and reward yourself with gym time, going to bed early/staying up later, or even giving yourself permission to simply lay in bed and stare at your ceiling. Ultimately, you need to look deep inside yourself and figure out what motivates you and then use that knowledge against yourself (you are your own enemy when it comes to Senioritis). You won’t regret trying to figure out what motivates you when your grades don’t become victims of your Senioritis.
And lastly, remember that you can get through this Seniors! I know it may feel like the end is never coming but take a deep breath, create a countdown and force yourself to keep studying and working hard. #BeYourOwnBoss
HCXO, a fellow struggler.
*All images courtesy of Giphy and Pinterest.