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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

In 1998 in the city of Lancaster, PA, Milagro House opened its doors. Milagro translates from Spanish to mean miracle. This is exactly what Milagro House is to women and children of Lancaster. The mission of Milagro House is to help provide housing and educational support to women

and families who would otherwise be experiencing homelessness. Through support services, women and their families learn the skills that they need to advance themselves and their futures with their kids.

Milagro House is a live in facility. The women who live there share living spaces with up to 8 other families. The journey into, inside and after Milagro House is catered to the needs of each woman. The educational services provided to women are a GED program and a post-secondary program. These programs help aim to give women the chance to further their education and their future career goals. When a woman signs up for these courses, they are helped out to not only explore their educational routes, but also possible career routes.

Women who come to Milagro House are often survivors of trauma and other bad experiences. Milagro House not only provides a safe and nurturing environment for women to get back on their feet, but they provide counseling for women to gain back their safe, healthy mentality. Through group and individual therapy, licensed therapists are able to help women and their children.

Milagro House is solely funded for by the community members, volunteers, and fundraisers. It is one of the community partners that Her Campus Millersville supports. From October 31st through November 13th, Her Campus Millersville will be hosting a donor drive around campus to give to Milagro house. Their needs often include household supplies such as cleaning and laundry supplies, baby/toddler products ad personal items. To view the full wishlist of items we will be collecting, click here. We will also be hosting a fundraising tabling around campus on November 19th from 11-4. The ExtraOrdinary Day of Give is a yearly event that aims to help hundreds of community organizations around Lancaster county. To view Milagro House’s profile AND to donate click here. As previously mentioned, Milagro House is funded by community donations and fundraisers. Please consider donating on the Extra Give Day.



Cecilia Arvelo

Millersville '22

Cecilia is a Senior at Millersville University. She is a Secondary Education major concentrated in Social Studies. In her free time, she loves to read, watch movies, drive around and explore. She loves writing for Her Campus, being a part of Campus Trendsetters, and exploring all of Her Campus's opportunities.