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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

I want to write an appreciation post for the things that I have realized truly matter to me this week. Finding even the small positives in life can truly do the most. 

  1. The people that reach out 

We sometimes get lost in the craziness of our life and we forget to just check in with the others around us. That little text goes so far. It is a reminder that we are not alone, even if we feel like we are. Even just offering your shoulder to cry on or that you are thinking of them can truly stick with a person. If you are a part of my life, I hope to be someone who reaches out to you soon. 

  1. Hugs

I can’t even describe the emotions that come with a simple hug. I am NOT a hugger by any means, even with family. However, lately, I have realized the true impact they have on me. Hugs are a way to show love without words and damn do they say a lot. Professors, coworkers, mentors, and friends, they all say something different but they are all SO IMPORTANT. I think moving forward I want to be a hugger. I want to pour my love into others in the same way they have for me. 

  1. Non-material things

I have finally realized that nothing material comes even remotely close to other things. Losing things can make you realize how much the material things didn’t matter at all. Money does not prove love, money does not solve everything, and is definitely not needed to show someone you love them. I can still appreciate material things but also recognize that they do not compare to showing love in other ways. Showing emotions, cuddling with those you love, making a meal for them, any of that over materialistic gestures. 

  1. Health

My health has always mattered to me, but this week showed me just how important it is. If you are not healthy, you can’t thrive. Sometimes lately it felt like health was my last priority. I am here to tell you to drink some water, take a couple of bites, get out of bed, and nourish your body please because it will thank you. 

  1. The things I love 

Sometimes it takes losing things to recognize just how much they truly mattered to you. The lengths you would go to get it back feel endless. I have so much love left for it and it feels like there is nowhere to put it. 

  1. Books

Man, what a way to just leave reality and escape. Books really are the secret to my heart. I could read forever and it has always been a passion of mine to work with books as a career. Today I ordered 5 books and I think they will come at the perfect time for me. I appreciate authors who put their thoughts out there for others. 

This article may be a bit chaotic, but sometimes that is how life feels so I am choosing to use that feeling to write. One last reminder for everyone reading this, you matter and your actions for others matter too.

Madison Glatfelter

Millersville '24

Madi is a senior at Millersville majoring in Elementary Education with a minor in General English. Some of her hobbies include playing volleyball, nannying for families, and participating in ECHO and KDP on campus. Madi is passionate about school-work-life balance, relationships, organization, self-care, and life/school hacks.