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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

Spooky season is upon us this week with Halloween right around the corner! I’m pretty sad that Halloween is soon over, so I am trying to make the most of the fun festivities and movies! While many aspects of Halloween are scary (haunted houses, goblins, witches, ghosts, when that one house hands out apples instead of candy), there are things year round that give me the spooky scaries more than these. Let’s rant together!

Driving Through Drive-Thrus

Okay, I frequent drive-thrus often because I love stopping at Starbucks or Dunkin’ on a weekly basis to grab coffee! However, it is always the McDonald’s and Wendy’s drive-thrus that have those high curbs you have to stay within. That causes me anxiety because I’m always afraid I’m going to hit the curb and the other people in the drive-thru will see me. It’s a risk I’m willing to take for the food though!

Women’s Jeans

I don’t know about you, but I hate women’s sizing when it comes to clothing. Men’s sizes make much more sense to me because their pants are based on measurements in inches. For example, a man can wear size 30-30 jeans. Why do women’s sizes have to be special and go by a singular number? Sometimes I’m a 2 and sometimes I’m a 7. Someone please make it make sense. Going shopping for new jeans definitely gives me the spooky scaries because it’s always a hit or miss.


We have all come across these people, whether it be at work, school, or an organization we are a part of. You may have even experienced a micromanager out in public, sometimes known as a “Karen.” I understand you want to have control of a situation, but trust me to do my job successfully. I won’t let you down and can take constructive criticism, but it makes me nervous if you are watching every step I am taking in the process.

The Gender Pay Gap

It still blows my mind that women on average make only 82 cents to the dollar that men make in comparison. Women are fully capable of positions that men occupy. Why can we not all be paid equally when we are all performing the same responsibilities and devoting the same time to a position? All genders should be valued, and it should be based on merit and qualities rather than this.

The Present State of the Economy

I recently had a conversation with my mom talking about my goals after I graduate college in December. I told her I eventually want to get my own apartment and find a career I love. With the way the economy is slowly heading into a recession, having a stable income to live comfortably within is not common which is the scary part. Especially since I am diabetic and have to have good insurance benefits to afford my supplies, thinking about the state of our economy post-pandemic makes me anxious.

Getting a Big Girl Job

This GIF is an accurate depiction of me running to my future big girl job. Since graduation is about one month away, I am looking toward the exciting yet stressful future. I am hopeful that I will find an entry-level job that is the right fit for me and my passions. However, taking that leap of faith after college can feel scary. I know it will be new stage of life, but I am ready to take on that transition.

Rush Hour

I like driving and having my music on in the car, but I hate rush hour. It is the worst, and some of those drivers are SCARY! Like, please just let me merge into your lane, sir! Construction traffic is even worse when you see a long line of cars braking up ahead and the red line appear on Apple Maps. That’s when I know I will be late to my destination.

Lantern Flies

POV: you’re the lantern fly I’m about to squish. Okay, I love most animals and living things, but I cannot stand those pesky lantern flies. They are all over campus, and when they land on my arm, it freaks me out! Have you looked into the eyes of one? Those little guys are definitely scary and in your nightmares.

Figuring Out If Someone is Just Being Nice or is Actually Flirting

I feel like so many of my friends can relate to this too, but it can be difficult to determine whether someone is just being nice or actually interested in you. I often mistake being nice for being flirty, and this happens to me the other way around too. Maybe it’s just because I am not a flirting expert, but can’t guys just make it clear when they are interested? That would make my life so much easier, thank you.

People That Tailgate Me

This makes me so nervous, especially if I am driving a little slower because I am unfamiliar with the area I’m driving in. I try to make sure I don’t miss a turn, but if I’m constantly looking in my rear view mirror to make sure you are not going to hit me when I brake, I’m bound to miss it. Please just back up a little to let me have some room on the road.

I hope I am not alone in these items that give me the spooky scaries! I also hope you were able to have a laugh with me! I hope you all have a safe and happy Halloween! :)



Rachel Ritchey

Millersville '22

Rachel Ritchey is a senior public relations major at Millersville University. Rachel is the President of the Millersville University Her Campus Chapter. She is also the PR Chair of the All Campus Musical Organization and a member of Navigators. She is passionate about type 1 diabetes awareness, women empowerment, social media management, music, mental health, and self-care. ♡