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Thoughts about Therapy from a College Student

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

1. There are so many options available to you

I am in my student teaching block currently which really bogs my schedule. I personally struggled to find a therapy with time availability that worked for me. I chose to go the online therapy route and it has been amazing. I can do therapy from anywhere and talk to my therapist at any time. Colleges also provide counseling and therapy services for qualifying students and can be a gateway to help you find the resources that are best for you. Therapy can be personalized to what you need, who you want to talk to, how you want to communicate, and how often you receive services.


2. Your therapist gives unbiased answers or opinions on difficult situations

This is something that I used to struggle with; I wanted someone to tell me I was right and that everything was fine. Therapy pushes you to recognize those areas of mental weakness. My own therapist doesn’t always give me the answer I am hoping for. I appreciate that though because she is trained to help me recognize those areas I overlook or misinterpret. I can gain an outside perspective on the situation from someone who has no connection or investment in it.

3. My therapist helps validate my feelings

Sometimes conflict or drama can make you start to believe that you might be crazy. Having someone who is outside of your main support system to validate those feelings makes ALL the difference. I find that hearing that validation has improved my confidence in myself.


4. Therapy allows you to recognize your worth

Say it with me, I AM ENOUGH! I have always struggled a bit with self-confidence and self-esteem. The second I started therapy I started seeing positive change in myself. I felt more confident, I felt validated, I felt supported, I felt inner strength, and the list goes on. You will learn so much about the things you have gone through the the true toughness you have both mentally and emotionally.


5. Everyone has conflicts and traumas that have stuck with them since childhood; a.k.a skeletons in their closets

It allows you the opportunity to dig into your past trauma and conflict to find where your mental wounds are. Deep down there are things I have closed off and refused to open up. My therapist works with me to recognize where traumas might lie and how to be aware of them. Then, I am able to move forward in the healing process and learn strategies to heal my younger self and prevent recurring conflicts.


6. Accountability, positive pressure, and goal-setting

My therapist is so good at directing me to take accountability for my actions and reactions to situations. She helps me set positive and attainable goals that help me better myself. I need someone who pushes me that extra step to really work towards my self-healing goals.


I am so thankful for my therapist and I hope you might be able to see some benefits therapy could have for you too. Everyone needs someone they can talk to, so reach out and widen your support system!

Love yourself and take care of YOU,


Madison Glatfelter

Millersville '24

Madi is a senior at Millersville majoring in Elementary Education with a minor in General English. Some of her hobbies include playing volleyball, nannying for families, and participating in ECHO and KDP on campus. Madi is passionate about school-work-life balance, relationships, organization, self-care, and life/school hacks.